OPEN RIDES & EVENTS > Past Rides : Pictures, Discussion, & Carnage

Name that Ditch

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Got out for a few hours with a couple friends yesterday.  This ditch seems to be getting wider.  Once I backed up and waited on a spotter I was still barely able to straddle it.  Some of you may recognize it.

Looks like you got in a fairly interesting spot there. Where about is this little ditch?

Is that the v ditch at Morris Mountain going to RBD?


--- Quote from: cru9 on October 28, 2013, 03:28:48 PM ---Is that the v ditch at Morris Mountain going to RBD?

--- End quote ---


Oscar_Mike 2013:
If me, Tony, Ryan, Bobby, and a couple of others were there, we could have strapped your front bumper and pulled you down by manual labor. 


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