OPEN RIDES & EVENTS > Trail Rides & Open Events (Everyone's invited)

May ride: Beasley?

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Chris Hyde:
Would you guys be interested in Beasley for our May ride?  We could do BBQ afterward in Blairsville.  Opinions?


--- Quote from: Chris on March 20, 2008, 11:05:03 AM ---Would you guys be interested in Beasley for our May ride?  We could do BBQ afterward in Blairsville.  Opinions?

--- End quote ---

I'll come. I've never been. Should be really nice up there in May too.  :)

I would go. I like Beasley. In may i got megan's graduation the weekend of the 10th and country the next weekend and not sure if Ill be able to make it

Beasley sounds good to me. Somewhere close for once :D

Chris Hyde:
How about May 3rd?


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