OPEN RIDES & EVENTS > Trail Rides & Open Events (Everyone's invited)

Info on beasley please

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I went through beasley last sunday but only from the parking lot at 93c then took that to 93A and left because of a griping girlfriend. I am going back this sunday and would like to know what trails would be good for some nice wheeling. I have an 07 jeep unlimited with 35's, 4 inch lift, winch, no lockers though. I found an old map that said the trails and their difficulties but i think they have changed since they were renumbered. Any help would be appreciated. Oh and whoever wants to come and join me is more than welcome.

About all of them. You should be able to do most.

all I remember from out last trip is we did most of the trails. Turned around twice and I had no issues. It was my first trail ride in the JK with 2.5" lift and 35" tires. I think you will be good to go. I woud love to join but dont think I can this Sunday.

Chris Hyde:
Several folks from SJ mentioned going and I was also, but there are thunderstorms scheduled for Saturday, so I am out.  Beasley is a VEHICLE KILLER in (or after) alot of rain.

So if it rains alot saturday then i don't guess i will be going. I can see where it would get pretty messy after a rain. Does anybody have an updated map with the difficulty ratings?


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