OPEN RIDES & EVENTS > Trail Rides & Open Events (Everyone's invited)

Thinking of riding Durhamtown Friday April 11

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I'm thinking about heading over to Durhamtown tomorrow to scout things out. It's supposed to rain tomorrow afternoon so I will probably get an early start.

Anybody interested?

DAMN!!! WHY do I have to be moving tomorrow!! Want to go Saturday?

EDIT: Last time I blew off exams to ride, it didn't end well. I am down for a trip soon though.

Man, the leisures of owning your own company, you can take off on a whim, work whatever hours.. thanks for rubbing it in Mike.

Mike, are they open to ORV's now?  Any additional info?  I'm at Lake Sinclair with the Tahoe so I'm close to Durhamtown, but no wheelin capability.

Chris Hyde:

--- Quote from: Daniel on April 10, 2008, 09:48:42 PM ---Man, the leisures of owning your own company, you can take off on a whim, work whatever hours.. thanks for rubbing it in Mike.

--- End quote ---

Actually, I think I work more now that I am self employed than I ever did.  :D


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