OTHER INTERESTS > Guns & Self Defense

Gun Shops/Ranges - Anti Carry

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Is it just me or others bothered by gun shops and ranges that post signs saying no carry/no loaded weapons?  I personally think this is bad business and bad for the RKBA cause.  They will sell you guns, ammo, training and range time but then don't want you to carry in their establishment.  The common answer is that they are concerned about someone drawing their gun to test a holster or for whatever other reason.

I get the whole "carry anywhere" idea but that's not what this is about.  To me it says if the people selling guns and training the owners don't want them carrying why should anyone else?

There is a shop/range 10 minutes from my house that I try to avoid for this reason.  It would be so convenient for a quick trip to the range but I don't feel like supporting them.

Any other thoughts?  Am I missing something or being to critical?

Because of dum asses like I showed in the other thread in the video carrying loaded in the shop and didn't really even know, and could easily kill someone.  Just a high rate of gun handling by the general public and they don't want to get shot. 

I won't go to a gun shop that has a no carry policy. 

Sharp Shooters in Alpharetta/Roswell allows carrying.  Bullseye in Cumming doesn't allow carrying in their store.

I think the reasoning is that people (shoppers and employees) in gun shops ASSume all the guns are on display and not loaded. Would be bad to test out that new holster and in the meantime set a loaded gun on the the table that some moron picks up thinking it's empty.

Or... walk in with an empty holster, look at some pistols and wait for the clerk to get busy, walk out with new gun on your hip?


--- Quote from: patman on December 09, 2015, 01:47:20 PM ---I think the reasoning is that people (shoppers and employees) in gun shops ASSume all the guns are on display and not loaded. Would be bad to test out that new holster and in the meantime set a loaded gun on the the table that some moron picks up thinking it's empty.

--- End quote ---

Your probably right. Not everyone thinks like us when it comes to weapons. Treat every gun as if its loaded until YOU have determined it isn't.


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