Author Topic: How not to run a Off Road club!  (Read 2186 times)

Offline DOUG

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2016, 11:33:59 PM »
I'm really surprised that you are bent over the enforcement of a rule that you know about. Nothing sneaky or underhanded took place.  I deleted the post and sent a pm to the op so it could be reposted. 

Shortly after I removed the post, it was reposted without the reference to another club and the post stayed.  This is how it is supposed to work.

The event was paramount, not the club.  The event was posted, promoted, and publicized.  The event is for a great cause.  I'm glad you donated your time and money.  The end result was that the event for a great cause was posted on GATR, which is exactly what you wanted.

It is not like a Crawling for Reid post that has no club affiliations.  Yes the 2 champions are members here and most of the volunteers are from GATR, but CFR is independent of any club.  I think the CFR staff has been very wise and purposeful about keeping it independent from any one club and promoting to all without a club affiliation.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 11:55:20 PM by Doug »

Offline clark123456

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2016, 01:21:06 AM »
Thanks John. If it wasn't for the awesome group of people called GATR I'd still be clueless.

Chris (semperfiarms)  is correct. You don't have to conquer double black diamond trails to have fun. At Crawling for Reid I was following Kevins son in law around the easier stuff & was having a great time on trails I'd never been on. Plus, it was fun watching Hector expand on his wheeling skills.
I agree.  I'm happy getting on the trails and leaving the "daily grind" behind. Regardless of the type of trail. It's just great being outdoors with other people that enjoy it as well. Looking forward to Hale...
Hell, I enjoy not being at risk on some trails.  That's not to say I want to only ride them, but I like the down time.  I am going to make an effort to do mixed riding.  I would volunteer to lead more, but I'm a horrible judge of what rigs qualify to do what obstacles.  I still remember thinking I made a poor choice at Golden on one trail that was obviously more risky than I thought, when I was spotting.  We all got through it, but it was more intense than I should have put people through.

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Offline kent10sne1

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2016, 07:35:20 AM »
All kidding aside, I have been happy with the way the club is run, I have had issues, but they where addressed in a professional and honorable manor, even if i was acting like a A$$.   The staff takes much heat, criticalness is easy when your not having to be accountable for the decisions you make.  Its much harder to be a leader when you stand behind your decisions. 

This is not a small band of friends, i have seen them go out of their way to make others feel included, they encourage and guide by example, which is one of the best most effective forms of leadership.   

When i joined i had a stock JK, they gave me space when needed and guidance when they felt it was time to step in.   Sure... they will not/never make 100% of the club 100% happy 100% of the time, but over all its work, and these guys give of time and effort in the hope that most will have a good wheeling experience.   the social side is , much harder, sure we hang by the fire at nite, cook, have debates.   each person is different... but they are pretty respectful imo.

I have seen other clubs, spoken with them, and i think this is personally the best one around..   I feel their example has made the general membership better..  not perfect.  like any group, we have A$$holes ( i know im one) but they do a great job of keeping it all together and focused on wheeling, which is why we are suppose to be here.   

the social aspect is a by-product.  it can be fun at times and stressful at times..  we are all adults and need to learn , "life's not fair" your not always going to get the undevided attention of the staff..  they are trying to include everyone..   Plus.. they want to wheel and have fun too...

I understand the frustration they feel at times, anyone thats had to manage people know this.   

if you feel frustrated, I think Doug or others may have said.   speak with a Staff member, they are adults and will discuss any issue with you, ..  that does not mean they agree or u will like the outcome..  but they will be professional and respectful in discussion, just remember to act in kind. 

If you read this far, God help u, as my rants can be exhausting.   sorry..  im just a crazy old fat man .. 'wheres my chap-stick' 
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Offline Mortalis5509

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #27 on: July 02, 2016, 09:28:00 AM »

I'm really surprised that you are bent over the enforcement of a rule that you know about. Nothing sneaky or underhanded took place.  I deleted the post and sent a pm to the op so it could be reposted. 

Shortly after I removed the post, it was reposted without the reference to another club and the post stayed.  This is how it is supposed to work.

The event was paramount, not the club.  The event was posted, promoted, and publicized.  The event is for a great cause.  I'm glad you donated your time and money.  The end result was that the event for a great cause was posted on GATR, which is exactly what you wanted.

It is not like a Crawling for Reid post that has no club affiliations.  Yes the 2 champions are members here and most of the volunteers are from GATR, but CFR is independent of any club.  I think the CFR staff has been very wise and purposeful about keeping it independent from any one club and promoting to all without a club affiliation.

The rule I know about is not posting other rides if there is a scheduled ride. If I missed a rule that pertains to this sisuation then I'm sorry. I was told in person that their post had been deleted. No other info. That event has no club affliliation either. It was started by some vets down in Panama city Beach called Son Of a Jeep. Much like this place helps with Reid. 

Skinny Pedal Racing

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2016, 09:55:07 AM »
Tripp is correct, my post was deleted. I wasn't given a reason why. I just figured it was over hurt feelings from the split years ago.

Online Cannonballkev

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2016, 10:55:29 AM »
I've had posts deleted without ever knowing the reason.  Tell me why. so I don't do it again.
  I joined Gatr as a newb to wheeling, best thing I could have done.  I had never heard of "tread lightly", always thought keeps were over rated and over priced, had. No idea what a Rubicon was. Now I know more about Jeeps than some Jeep owners ( my buddy) and I do t even own a Jeep!  I drive a longbed Chevy, know my limitations, have been  on a few FS rides, Morris Mountain, and Beasley Knob with Gatr.  Had a blast even with my wrong everything truck!
  I have learned so much about wheelin from this group, to be honest, by mostly being active in the forum, reading  asking "stupid" questions and offering my 2 cents every once in a while.
Plan on going to Gatrfest and Gulches, hopefully I'll have a rear locker by then  (Wrench day?)
   I see people on  The Gatr Facebook site that have never been to the Gatr forum,   I think they are missing out, but don't know they are missing out.  I also think the FB site takes away from the Gatr forum.  Just my opinion.
Get dirty, or get off the trail!

Offline Big Dave

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2016, 11:45:14 AM »
Face what? LOL

Offline tjsahara00

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2016, 12:41:35 PM »
Some of the main reason why post get deleted......
To much clutter say in a check in sheet instead
of a discussion thread. When post start going way
off of the main subject. When people start bashing
on or giving advice or opinions on a for sale item.
When a thread or comments really gets ugly or
crosses the line so to speak. I also like keeping the
POTM contest cleaned up and I will not let pictures
of things like flops, flips, roll overs, being stuck, or
having to be truly winched to clear an obstacle make
the calendar....
The calendar represents the best of GaTrailRiders. 
Kevin Pool
2016 JKU Sport
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Offline Mortalis5509

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2016, 01:53:33 PM »
Some of the main reason why post get deleted......
To much clutter say in a check in sheet instead
of a discussion thread. When post start going way
off of the main subject. When people start bashing
on or giving advice or opinions on a for sale item.
When a thread or comments really gets ugly or
crosses the line so to speak. I also like keeping the
POTM contest cleaned up and I will not let pictures
of things like flops, flips, roll overs, being stuck, or
having to be truly winched to clear an obstacle make
the calendar....
The calendar represents the best of GaTrailRiders.
It seems like some people are checked more than others (others get away with more is what I mean). There are some of those holy than thou post. John G does a very good job of posting in public when things need to be straighted up on hardline. It helps everyone see what's good and what's not. A lot times its good to let members regulate each other. I have been told in person by a member they don't post / visit much anymore becuase of some things.

Now Kevin, we go back a ways so this isn't directed at you. I'm just quoting off your post. I do a lot of reading, more than posting and that goes for about every forum.

Skinny Pedal Racing

Offline tjsahara00

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #33 on: July 02, 2016, 02:59:18 PM »
Some of the main reasons why I delete post are......
To much clutter say in a check in sheet instead
of a discussion thread. When post start going way
off of the main subject. When people start bashing
on or giving advice or opinions on a for sale item.
When a thread or comments really gets ugly or
crosses the line so to speak. I also like keeping the
POTM contest cleaned up and I will not let pictures
of things like flops, flips, roll overs, being stuck, or
having to be truly winched to clear an obstacle make
the calendar....
The calendar represents the best of GaTrailRiders.
It seems like some people are checked more than others (others get away with more is what I mean). There are some of those holy than thou post. John G does a very good job of posting in public when things need to be straighted up on hardline. It helps everyone see what's good and what's not. A lot times its good to let members regulate each other. I have been told in person by a member they don't post / visit much anymore becuase of some things.

Now Kevin, we go back a ways so this isn't directed at you. I'm just quoting off your post. I do a lot of reading, more than posting and that goes for about every forum.

Tripp I change my comment to clarify reasons "I" delete
Also right or wrong some people are just more of a ass hole than others
We all can be sometimes...each and everyone of us
At least we're not all democrats...thank God
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 03:04:18 PM by tjsahara00 »
Kevin Pool
2016 JKU Sport
2000 TJ Sahara (RIP)

Offline clark123456

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #34 on: July 02, 2016, 03:22:54 PM »
Sometimes the forum website/back-end screws up and side posts are lost.

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1998 TJ Sahara

Offline DOUG

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Re: How not to run a Off Road club!
« Reply #35 on: July 02, 2016, 05:01:47 PM »
I too have come back and my post is not there but I always think the post didn't take, not that someone deleted it.  Ben probably did it

I do very little mod work anymore. I rarely ever have to delete or modify anything, extremely rare.  Some of our mods won't do anything that might offend someone, so we all look to Kevin to handle it now, except after 7pm lmao.  If a post attacks someone personally, except Clark or Kent, or says they are asking way to much for their parts, trolls a sale ad, etc, it gets cleaned up. 

GATR is definitely not for everyone. GATR has evolved to an excellent place and is all about supporting each other, sharing info and fellowship. Don't want to be like hardline or Pirate, but those are cool too.   

Opinions are far and wide here on a lot of stuff and all opinions are welcome.  Knowledge is extremely welcome here.  Please share and help us all.

What started this thread? Kevin, oh yeah.