Author Topic: Need Prayers  (Read 1090 times)

Offline tjsahara00

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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2017, 06:48:25 AM »
good news
Kevin Pool
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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2017, 06:59:01 AM »
Good news. That is a big step getting out of ICU.

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Offline BigMike

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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2017, 07:38:57 AM »
Just saw this thread.  Prayers for Andrew and his family for continued success in his recovery. 

Offline Blue J

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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2017, 08:18:11 AM »
Good news. Thanks for the update and we will keep the prayers goin'.
'13 True Blue JK

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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2017, 11:06:03 PM »
Appreciate the updates, Doug.  Amazing turn around from where this started...!

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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2017, 01:24:15 PM »

March 23, 2017: It's been a great day for Mr. Blanton. He continues to amaze the doctors and nurses everyday with his determination and progress, but to his family and friends we just smile and say, "that's Andrew". Every time he pushes a little harder or says, "sure, I'll try" we are thankful and blessed for Gods grace in his healing and strength. He had 2 round rounds of occupation therapy today and then on his own decided he wanted to try and stand up....and well, he did it (of course with help, but he took the initiative) 13 days here and he has made more progress than other patients that have been here over a month. The nurses wish all their patients could be like Andrew. 1 week from today is our "Andrew goes to Shepherd" day. He even asks I have it in my phone on the calendar (his OCD is still in full effect) Each day with therapy, we see just exactly where his biggest struggles are. Leg raises, leaning on his elbows, kicking his leg out side to side are all new and trying movements for him. Some are easy, some are hard and some he can't quite understand what he is being asked to do. He doesn't quit though and his eyes and face show that he is fighting hard and wants to get there.

Today, he was at Dekalb Medical Center but knew he was in a hospital, knew the year and could read the words "brain injury" written on the white board. "Brain Injury" he would randomly say. For lunch I thought I'd get him a sweet potato as a treat and see if he could eat it....well He also managed to eat 1/2 of my piece of pizza and drink my tea. I've never been so happy in my life to share my piece of pizza. That's love y'all.

Going to bathroom has been an issue, so we got him a portable seat to sit next to the bed. Check. Did that. Later on in the day, he said, "I'm going to the bathroom." I said, "ok. One second let me get...." couldn't even finish my sentence and he says "That bathroom over there" and points to his bathroom and started to push himself to stand. So I called Chad, his nurse and we went with it....Check. He did it. They have this cool "Rascal" looking scooter thing that can maneuver him around and really helps get him from he bed to the recliner or to the bathroom. He's always wanted a Rascal.

Andrew and Annika had a wonderful surprise from some of the girls and boys from the Mill Creek golf team tonight. He couldn't stop talking about scores, tee times and courses they had to play. He must have asked them 20 times, who played today and what their tee times were tomorrow. The best thing he said to these kids he's known for years is, "Good luck, have fun and be silly" That's Andrew. He wanted them all to go home and rest and be ready for the morning and to have dinner and good breakfast. He says there's a cookout at Heather's tomorrow at 12pm and we can grill whatever. Lol...maybe not tomorrow but yes, eventually we will have that cookout. No matter what kids he knows, supports or how he knows them, his heart genuinely cares about all of them and wants hem to succeed.....that's why we all love him. By the end of he day he was exhausted. We still had a nice quick game of "Andrew Uno" with our good friend Hank     Annika and Layne.

Andrew's Neurologist stopped into today to check in. He is extremely hopeful and while he is excited for Andrew's progress, he still will mention the slow and long recovery road he has ahead. That gentle reminder that there will be 2-3 good days and then there may be 2-3 bad days. Even though we know this, we still need to to hear it. 1 month, 6 months, 1 year or 10 years....even if it's forever. He's got this. We got this.

Since we are trying to get Andrew on a schedule with eating and sleep times.... if you would like to visit, the best times are probably around 12pm, 3pm or 6pm. Just message or text us before coming up so we can let you know how he is that day.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and thank you again for all the love, support and prayers. Without y'all, we couldn't get thru this and be #stronglikeandrew.

Offline BigMike

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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2017, 01:32:15 PM »
I don't even know this man but would be his friend in a minute.  His story inspires me and I continue my prayers for him and his family.

Offline Mortalis5509

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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2017, 02:07:28 PM »
Hope he continues forward. Physical therapy always sucks, and I hope he pushes through it.

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Offline jc79

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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2017, 10:33:53 PM »
Agree with BigMike and Don. Inspiring story for all of us. Keep the updates coming...

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Re: Need Prayers
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2017, 09:28:16 PM »

March 24, 2017: I originally wasn't gonna make a post tonight since Andrew had such a busy day yesterday, we had lazy comfy pants day. He slept in until 9:30, had breakfast, nap, lunch, nap, dinner, nap.......Then, I sit here and think about how our day ended and I get a little emotional. My tears aren't because of worry or fear, but of happiness and joy for him. It started with the wardrobe change, out with the hospital gown he's been ripping off and boycotting, in with the Black Sabbath t-shirt and black comfy shorts. 🤘 From the time he wakes up until he goes to bed, the constant talk of appointments, schedules, tee times, games, breakfast, lunch and dinner and asking where we need to be on whatever day he thinks it is..he makes me smile because that's him...his OCD stresses my ADD out.

With every day, his humor is strongly present but there's also a sense of sadness too with the struggle between knowing and not knowing. (He wouldn't ever admit the sadness part but that's ok) "Hey, What do we have to do tomorrow? Make sure so and so knows we will call them", "What time is breakfast? What would you like for breakfast? What time will you be there" "Kara, where's the bottle of wine? What?!? Why can't we have wine?? Does this hotel have wine. When are we going to our room? What?!??!? Whyyyy???? Why can't we have wine??"      He says this with people here and without people here, You kind of giggle when he says or asks these things for the 3rd, 4th, 5th time but then you see the look of confusion on his face. He doesn't know why it's funny, he doesn't know he just asked the same question 5min earlier.....that's the sadness and that's where I get emotional. Not gonna lie tho ....It was funny as crap when he called the nurses station tonight and asked for a bottle of wine and how much would it cost.  He hung up and said, they have Coke, Diet Coke and Sprite. It was the cutest thing.

Tonight, above the frustrations and sadness that peeked through every now and then, there was a smile and a laughter that hasn't been there in 14 days. So tonight's post is about that, being thankful for his smiles, laughter, humor and the wonderful visits with friends.
