Author Topic: You sell one you buy one right?  (Read 6307 times)

Offline BigPrince

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Re: You sell one you buy one right?
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2019, 09:33:56 AM »
The rules seemed to apply this duo:

I love these two paragraphs:
Brooks said Laraway was blindsided by the result of selling guns to Perkins.

"There's no way for him to foresee this was going to happen," the lawyer said.

That's horrible!! We need laws to stop this!!! We need common sense gun laws!!!!
....wait.... these guys were already breaking the law... there are laws already to stop this?....

Reads about as well as this article:

Subject: Houston Comical Slams Public Libraries as "pornography ring"

[I saw this article by Joe Obfuscatory in today's paper. Or maybe I just made
it up. Permission to copy is granted to members of the MIT media laboratory
posting the article as a GIF file to alt.dave-barry. - Carl Kadie]

Library Porno: a card catalog away
   Top-flight, tax-aided research centers also home to the sexually explicit.

Bestwury High School student Fenn Xonoj's homework was rudely interrupted by
the world's most largest pornography collection. He was minding his own
business when a copy of Playboy flew through the air, landing at his table. At
first he tried to ignore it. When that became impossible, he moved to another
table, but it followed him there. Finally he gave in and read it. To date, we
are happy to report, he has not turned into a sex pervert.

Xonoj glimspsed only part of an collection of erotic art and literature that
grows daily, offering titles such as "Lady Chatterley's Lover" and "Her". It's
supported by taxes and brought into towns by the brightest lights of higher
education. The purveyor of Fenn's surprise and Lady Chatterley's lover is a
grand undertaking called the Public Library. It is the world's most capable
research tool, but it is an equally efficient at collecting pornography.


Clear Lack High School is thinking about setting up a library. Principal Smith
worries about how to keep the students from reading magazines like Playboy and
books like "Lady Chatterley's Lover". Some of the honor students may even get
library cards from the University of Houston's library. Officials know about
the library's explicit content but they hope the honor system and the threat of
a bad grade will discourage students from exploring where they should not.
They all signed a form saying they would use the tool as intended."


Some definitions:

Public Library: A place where pornographic and other books are stored. Adult
books stores are open to the public and have books, so they too are public

Librarian: Someone who catalogs pornography and other material.

Patron: Someone who uses pornography or other material.


In addition to all the porno stuff, our investigation discovered other
material. For example, we found an article by John Swift entitled "A Modest
Proposal" that advocates the use of babies as food! A book called "Das Kapital"
talks of violent revolutions against capitalism. Another book called "Mein
Kampf" talks of a international Jewish conspiracy. A magazine called "American
Atheist" caters to atheists.


Q: Do public libraries raise issues of academic freedom and free speech?

A: Anything you can write, publish, broadcast, or yell from the top of a
building, libraries can collect and disseminate further, faster, more
elegantly. Until this article, no one noticed.


In the final analyses, it is inevitable that public libraries will contain
expressions of ideas with which some taxpayer will disagree. Must we, thus, get
rid of the public library?
« Last Edit: January 20, 2019, 09:35:00 AM by BigPrince »

Offline clark123456

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Re: You sell one you buy one right?
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2019, 10:08:37 AM »
The rules seemed to apply this duo:

I love these two paragraphs:
Brooks said Laraway was blindsided by the result of selling guns to Perkins.

"There's no way for him to foresee this was going to happen," the lawyer said.

That's horrible!! We need laws to stop this!!! We need common sense gun laws!!!!
....wait.... these guys were already breaking the law... there are laws already to stop this?....

Reads about as well as this article:

Subject: Houston Comical Slams Public Libraries as "pornography ring"

[I saw this article by Joe Obfuscatory in today's paper. Or maybe I just made
it up. Permission to copy is granted to members of the MIT media laboratory
posting the article as a GIF file to alt.dave-barry. - Carl Kadie]

Library Porno: a card catalog away
   Top-flight, tax-aided research centers also home to the sexually explicit.

Bestwury High School student Fenn Xonoj's homework was rudely interrupted by
the world's most largest pornography collection. He was minding his own
business when a copy of Playboy flew through the air, landing at his table. At
first he tried to ignore it. When that became impossible, he moved to another
table, but it followed him there. Finally he gave in and read it. To date, we
are happy to report, he has not turned into a sex pervert.

Xonoj glimspsed only part of an collection of erotic art and literature that
grows daily, offering titles such as "Lady Chatterley's Lover" and "Her". It's
supported by taxes and brought into towns by the brightest lights of higher
education. The purveyor of Fenn's surprise and Lady Chatterley's lover is a
grand undertaking called the Public Library. It is the world's most capable
research tool, but it is an equally efficient at collecting pornography.


Clear Lack High School is thinking about setting up a library. Principal Smith
worries about how to keep the students from reading magazines like Playboy and
books like "Lady Chatterley's Lover". Some of the honor students may even get
library cards from the University of Houston's library. Officials know about
the library's explicit content but they hope the honor system and the threat of
a bad grade will discourage students from exploring where they should not.
They all signed a form saying they would use the tool as intended."


Some definitions:

Public Library: A place where pornographic and other books are stored. Adult
books stores are open to the public and have books, so they too are public

Librarian: Someone who catalogs pornography and other material.

Patron: Someone who uses pornography or other material.


In addition to all the porno stuff, our investigation discovered other
material. For example, we found an article by John Swift entitled "A Modest
Proposal" that advocates the use of babies as food! A book called "Das Kapital"
talks of violent revolutions against capitalism. Another book called "Mein
Kampf" talks of a international Jewish conspiracy. A magazine called "American
Atheist" caters to atheists.


Q: Do public libraries raise issues of academic freedom and free speech?

A: Anything you can write, publish, broadcast, or yell from the top of a
building, libraries can collect and disseminate further, faster, more
elegantly. Until this article, no one noticed.


In the final analyses, it is inevitable that public libraries will contain
expressions of ideas with which some taxpayer will disagree. Must we, thus, get
rid of the public library?
Are there really laws against private sell of guns?  Limits to quantities?  Known intent?

Evidently I am too stupid to understand that article's association to selling a gun and buying another gun.  Don, can you explain the association to me?
1998 TJ Sahara

Offline BigPrince

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Re: You sell one you buy one right?
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2019, 10:52:22 AM »
Are there really laws against private sell of guns?  Limits to quantities?  Known intent?

Evidently I am too stupid to understand that article's association to selling a gun and buying another gun.  Don, can you explain the association to me?

Straw purchase is against both federal and state law:

If you're asking about the article I posted, it is in response to the one you posted and is an analogous example of how the a writer can sensationalize and focus the topic.  The article you posted is written as such(normal CNN anti-gun). Plus it's kinda funny. I must have missed the playboys in the library when I was a kid.

and if we were to get back to the original topic - I would suggest "You keep one you buy one".
« Last Edit: January 20, 2019, 10:57:33 AM by BigPrince »

Offline clark123456

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Re: You sell one you buy one right?
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2019, 10:59:36 AM »
Are there really laws against private sell of guns?  Limits to quantities?  Known intent?

Evidently I am too stupid to understand that article's association to selling a gun and buying another gun.  Don, can you explain the association to me?

Straw purchase is against both federal and state law:

If you're asking about the article I posted, it is in response to the one you posted and is an analogous example of how the a writer can sensationalize and focus the topic.  The article you posted is written as such(normal CNN anti-gun). Plus it's kinda funny. I must have missed the playboys in the library when I was a kid.
Interesting, I didn't find it to be anti-gun at all.  I thought it was by the facts.  Dude bought guns legally, sold them to others without background checks, guns he sold were used in criminal activity, and he's screwed for a long time.  Greed knows no bounds.

I only found two posts about that story in a quick Google search.

Yeah, I missed the porn in the library too...but I missed a lot of the library ;)
1998 TJ Sahara

Offline BigPrince

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Re: You sell one you buy one right?
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2019, 11:23:26 AM »
Interesting, I didn't find it to be anti-gun at all.  I thought it was by the facts.  Dude bought guns legally, sold them to others without background checks, guns he sold were used in criminal activity, and he's screwed for a long time.  Greed knows no bounds.

Yeah, I missed the porn in the library too...but I missed a lot of the library ;)

Your synopsis is better than the article.  Those guys didn't "team up" like a boy band or superhero group. One dude bought a bunch of guns with specific intent to sell illegally to those who couldn't buy them normally.  A criminal bought them and resold them.  Both were prosecuted and are in jail or served their time.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2019, 12:51:59 PM by BigPrince »

Offline clark123456

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Re: You sell one you buy one right?
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2019, 12:37:25 PM »
Interesting, I didn't find it to be anti-gun at all.  I thought it was by the facts.  Dude bought guns legally, sold them to others without background checks, guns he sold were used in criminal activity, and he's screwed for a long time.  Greed knows no bounds.

Yeah, I missed the porn in the library too...but I missed a lot of the library ;)

Your synopsis is better than the article.  Those guys didn't "team up" like a boy band or superhero group. One dude bought a bunch of guns with specific intent to sell illegally to those who couldn't buy them normally.  A criminal bought them and resold them.  Both are now in jail.
I think the dude that bought them to resell is out of jail, working as a gas station store manager.  He used to essentially have your level of income and similar clearance. 

I am just amazed that he made less than $100k doing that activity...not worth it.  The story says the bad guy gave him $37k in his account, so I padded it some.
1998 TJ Sahara

Offline BigPrince

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Re: You sell one you buy one right?
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2019, 12:53:00 PM »
Interesting, I didn't find it to be anti-gun at all.  I thought it was by the facts.  Dude bought guns legally, sold them to others without background checks, guns he sold were used in criminal activity, and he's screwed for a long time.  Greed knows no bounds.

Yeah, I missed the porn in the library too...but I missed a lot of the library ;)

Your synopsis is better than the article.  Those guys didn't "team up" like a boy band or superhero group. One dude bought a bunch of guns with specific intent to sell illegally to those who couldn't buy them normally.  A criminal bought them and resold them.  Both are now in jail.
I think the dude that bought them to resell is out of jail, working as a gas station store manager.  He used to essentially have your level of income and similar clearance. 

I am just amazed that he made less than $100k doing that activity...not worth it.  The story says the bad guy gave him $37k in his account, so I padded it some.

Ouch.  I make more, you know I have to do so to pay for this hobby.

Offline clark123456

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Re: You sell one you buy one right?
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2019, 01:00:25 PM »
Interesting, I didn't find it to be anti-gun at all.  I thought it was by the facts.  Dude bought guns legally, sold them to others without background checks, guns he sold were used in criminal activity, and he's screwed for a long time.  Greed knows no bounds.

Yeah, I missed the porn in the library too...but I missed a lot of the library ;)

Your synopsis is better than the article.  Those guys didn't "team up" like a boy band or superhero group. One dude bought a bunch of guns with specific intent to sell illegally to those who couldn't buy them normally.  A criminal bought them and resold them.  Both are now in jail.
I think the dude that bought them to resell is out of jail, working as a gas station store manager.  He used to essentially have your level of income and similar clearance. 

I am just amazed that he made less than $100k doing that activity...not worth it.  The story says the bad guy gave him $37k in his account, so I padded it some.

Ouch.  I make more, you know I have to do so to pay for this hobby.
No, I meant his government gig was likely close to what you make, before he got caught.  I wasn't digging on you, I know you're highly paid.
1998 TJ Sahara

Offline BigPrince

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Re: You sell one you buy one right?
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2019, 01:09:51 PM »
Interesting, I didn't find it to be anti-gun at all.  I thought it was by the facts.  Dude bought guns legally, sold them to others without background checks, guns he sold were used in criminal activity, and he's screwed for a long time.  Greed knows no bounds.

Yeah, I missed the porn in the library too...but I missed a lot of the library ;)

Your synopsis is better than the article.  Those guys didn't "team up" like a boy band or superhero group. One dude bought a bunch of guns with specific intent to sell illegally to those who couldn't buy them normally.  A criminal bought them and resold them.  Both are now in jail.
I think the dude that bought them to resell is out of jail, working as a gas station store manager.  He used to essentially have your level of income and similar clearance. 

I am just amazed that he made less than $100k doing that activity...not worth it.  The story says the bad guy gave him $37k in his account, so I padded it some.

Ouch.  I make more, you know I have to do so to pay for this hobby.
No, I meant his government gig was likely close to what you make, before he got caught.  I wasn't digging on you, I know you're highly paid.

Feds don’t make that much.