OTHER INTERESTS > Getting in shape

Getting in shape 2008 / 2009 / 2010

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Alright so today was the first day back in the gym... Funny we got this pretty decent gym and after shift I am the only person using it  {ehm}

Because of time I can workout about twice a week so its 2 full body workouts. Doing some research on them and using some of the stuff I have used in the past with great results my workout is going to look like this the next 8 weeks:
Chest exercise 4x5
Back exercise 4x5
Legs exercise 4x5
Tricep exercise 3x8
Bicep exercise 3x8
Calves 3x8
Abs 2x10

The 4x5 exercises are the big ones, rows, lat pull downs, bench, incline bench, squats, leg press, ect. I plan to do the same workout for 2 weeks and then change the exercises for 2 weeks and then back to the original. After 8 weeks I plan to go into the hypertrophy style workout doing 3 sets of 6-8 reps leaving 1 rep in the tank for all 7 exercises. Right now the supplement stack is Jack3d (awesome by the way), CE2 (creatine) and then a Whey 27g shake and a Casien 24g shake on the nights following workout. Following Glenn's advice I am keeping a log of my lifts and body weight. The overall goal of this is to put on a little strength, a little size and to experiment with what works for me. Diet will change some so that I eat more but there won’t be any calorie/macro counting, just eating more clean food than I do now. Cardio will be low intensity but still on workout days and hopefully a day or 2 running out on the street.


Been at it. I have been going up 5 lbs in each of the major lifts every week. I have not really done any cardio but plan to get back on track next week with it. Cant be all fat for my wedding in Nov. Did hit a slight snag. Got my blood work done for my marriage license and while everything else is good my kidney levels show they are only working at 37% and normal is above 60%. Obviously because of this I have stopped with the creatine and Jack3d and will wait for a re-test in a few weeks. Hopefully it was just a bad response to the supplements.

just landed tonight back in the sandbox. Back at it tomorrow. :(


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