OPEN RIDES & EVENTS > Trail Rides & Open Events (Everyone's invited)

Unofficial Trail ride. Mt Aetna June 6th at 1pm

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Night Wolf:
lol, I just wasn't paying attention, it happened so fast, even tho I was going so slow.

I first thought the bumper hit, and I was like ah well, no biggie, then I was thinking how the damaged bark on the tree looked higher then the bumper... and why did I hear that crunch? Ah well, kinda stinks the Jeep got damaged from a stupid mistake on my part but it is what it is, adds character :)

That was fun! Now we're going to have to figure out some alternate ways in there after they close the one we went through.

I got a few good shots, so I'll post them up tonight.

Here is the kmz from my iPhone GPS of our travels on Saturday. I missed a small section when we went up the powerlines.


Totally forgot about the pictures till I looked at the camera again today.

Couple below, and the rest are here


Cool pics, your camera takes great pictures!

You guys want to go back sometime in July if its still open?

We're in for another trip for sure, just gotta figure out how to get to the other entrances. Any ideas?


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