CLASSIFIEDS > Random Stuff

Not for sale but for free

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1 black and tan full blooded female Chihuahua puppy. She is 3 weeks old. Will post pics upon request. You can see the mom and dad. The mom had 2 and we have one spoken for and the wife and I figured we would offer to our friends here. There are a few things though. You will have to promise not to breed her until she is 2 yrs old or older. You have to keep her inside. You will promise not to sell her.  We usually let them go at 8 weeks some time later. You will need to get the shots. And last but not least if you can not take care of her or decide you dont want her any more we would request you give her back to us.

Do not post or pm and say you have a friend that wants her. This is for members here only.

Sorry if it sounds crazy but we want the best possible home for her.

Nice!  Good luck to you and the pup!  Must be tiny now.

about bite size I mean hand size.

Hey Glen there you go.... make it 3 rats i mean dogs running around your house

Richard, I have 2 already and I am interested in this. Please PM me. You know my situation. MikeD, your dog can't even f***ing swim...douchebag! Oooops, not the callout. But seriously, Tracy and i would love to have her. Keep me in mind. Thanks! {toast}


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