OPEN RIDES & EVENTS > Past Rides : Pictures, Discussion, & Carnage

GATR Fest Carnage Report

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Man Ive got a list a mile long, and the more I clean my rig and investigate the more I find.

I tweaked the tub and cage, tore my speaker wires out from the flop.

Got some new pin striping from that rock in Rat Hole.

Pushed in the cowl enough for the window frame and driver door not to fit anymore.

3 front axle shafts, yes three different breaks! Spit the passenger axle ujoint out and tore the ears up the first time, sheared a driver stub the second, and sheared a passenger inner at the splines the third time (thanks for the spare Richard) its looking like its time for a 60!

For some reason my electric fan kept turning off intermittently on Sunday, got to inspect the wiring for a random short



--- Quote from: Mark on September 20, 2010, 11:12:54 AM --- the XJ saw the wood and spit the u-joint out. ;D

--- End quote ---

LMAO!  You and WOOD!  Should have been a logger .

Sounds like plenty of carnage. Here's mine in order of events:

Started with the busted windshield and brake line the day before the trip.

Blown tire bead

Got bit by a dog

Busted rear axle shaft

Busted passenger front door surround

Rear locker not locking. Started in Savannah. Noise also coming from rear end on decelerate. Probably f'd something up when the axle broke. Could be the bent rear shaft I used as a replacement on the sound though. Doesn't matter too much. D60 is on order.

Got a nail in one of my rear tires on the Dually


--- Quote from: Livingston on September 20, 2010, 11:59:48 AM ---Got bit by a dog
Busted rear axle shaft
Rear locker not locking. Started in Savannah. Noise also coming from rear end on decelerate. Probably f'd something up when the axle broke. Could be the bent rear shaft I used as a replacement on the sound though. Doesn't matter too much. D60 is on order.

--- End quote ---

LMAO MIKE!  You certainty had some bad luck with that dog, and them made up like true lovers, lol. 

That is the nastiest broken axle I had ever seen with all the shavings.  Yuck.

And did y'all put the plunger in before the carrier or after?  Common problem.  Hopefully that's all it is. 

I havent really seen anything so far, but I didnt do much to get damage this round. I plan to do an inspection this week. I did loose a pin for my disconnect  :D. Thanks to Chad (US TROOPER) for hooking me up with a fix for the ride home.

I know him and Zac have some carnage to share.


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