CLASSIFIEDS > Vehicles - By Owner
The Sami
Do Work 93 YJ:
Well I got a sad text last night from Andy wanting me to list the Sami. :'( Many of yall have seen it and know its well built and flat goes but heres the goodies. I listed his contact info at the bottom are let me know and I will tell him. {toast}
Suzuki Samurai 1.3 with propane 40 over pistons gm alternator, full hydro steering, longfield axles in the front, drive flanges, full cage, 6.5. to 1 transfer case, 529 gears in axles, custom quarter inch steel skid pan mounted to frame not transfer case, full cage all DOM, propane from got propane, rock lights, electric fan on radiator, Toyota Celica seats 3 of them, 4 linked in the rear with chrome alloy lower links 3/4 by 3/4 heims, stretched out to 103 wheel base front has cj springs, 37 inch red label bfg's, smitty built winch with remote, red top battery, 5 point harness for driver and passenger, twin sticks for 2 low 2 high 4 low 4 high. Front and rear diff guards, marlin crawler inner axle seals. Motor runs great probably 300 miles on it. Has a new wind shield and 3 propane tanks. It will also come with 2 spare front yota axles, one complete and one missing a 3rd, spare transfer case, spare yota cv shaft, 2 stock birfields, and spare 36tsl with wheel. This is a trail ready rig I built this thing from stock with motor seating in the front seat, so any questions just ask I can tell you what ever you want to know. Located in Oxford Ga cell is 678-878-0210 email is no trades right now. $6500.00 I know what I have and where it has been.
The Yard Co.
123 Gum Creek Rd
Oxford Ga. 30054
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Do Work 93 YJ:
Awesome little rig. I would love to have it, just not sure I could get in it ;D
Is he up for trades?? {popcorn}
Do Work 93 YJ:
Whatcha got in mind Ben and I will run it by him?
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