Georgia Trail Riders Forum

MEMBERS DISCUSSION AREA => General Discussion => Topic started by: Skandalous on March 17, 2014, 02:24:25 PM

Title: short notice work for two weeks
Post by: Skandalous on March 17, 2014, 02:24:25 PM
I'm starting another short contract for another county outside columbia sc and I'm one ground man short.  My other man had previous obligations and cannot make it for the two weeks.  It pays $100.00 per day and I pay expenses as well.  I basicly need someone to stand and hold a flag/sign for traffic and light ground duties.  Its a nobrainer job for two weeks. 

I will be leaving out either teusday afternoon late or wed morning very early.  I run a standup crew and wanted to ask here before turning to less desirable people.

If anyone is interested give me a call at 4047047515.
