Georgia Trail Riders Forum

MEMBERS DISCUSSION AREA => General Discussion => Topic started by: DOUG on March 10, 2017, 10:53:36 PM

Title: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 10, 2017, 10:53:36 PM
Need prayers tonight for Andrew Blanton, father of one of Madison's best friends and one of our adopted daughters. He drag races a comp rail car and high speed rolled and destroyed the car at commerce tonight.  He was not breathing on scene and has a traumatic brain injury.  He was lift flighted to Athens Regional where we are tonight and the prognosis is not good. Prayers for the family too please.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: Raisinhead on March 10, 2017, 11:18:48 PM
Prayers sent for Andrew and his family
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: cru9 on March 11, 2017, 06:43:06 AM
Prayers sent

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Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: clark123456 on March 11, 2017, 06:56:04 AM
Hoping for the best.  I couldn't find anything via news search on Google.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: Cleveland99 on March 11, 2017, 07:57:15 AM

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Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 11, 2017, 08:03:02 AM
Anika is our sweet girl and her dad is her best friend. She was there with him at the track like she usually is and witnessed the accident. Somehow he was half out of the cage while it rolled.

From his fiance:
Thank you to everyone who has reached out with prayers, positive thoughts and encouragement. All I know is there is this man that I love with every ounce of my heart who needs all the prayers, good vibes and strength we can give him. We all know Andrew is amazing in every way and he is most definitely a fighter and someone who doesn't give up. He has suffered a severe brain injury and in a coma at the moment. The next few days will be crucial in determining the damage done to his brain. Pray for little to no swelling on his brain and for the strength to improve. Please pray for comfort, strength and peace for Annika during this time. And honey, if you didn't realize how many people cared about you and how much you've impacted their lives, you do now. We love you so much!!!
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: jd30005 on March 11, 2017, 08:04:09 AM
Prayers sent.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 11, 2017, 08:06:18 AM
Hoping for the best.  I couldn't find anything via news search on Google.
It was a pratice/ headsup/ pay to use the track night so their weren't a lot of people there.  No media. I haven't heard there was a video anywhere yet. The were some je ER ps racing and a GJ took this still after.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: tjsahara00 on March 11, 2017, 05:58:59 PM
Positive thoughts and prayers sent
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: Blue J on March 12, 2017, 05:01:46 PM
Positive thoughts and Prayers.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 12, 2017, 06:06:04 PM
Saturday from family

Update on Andrew: He is being so strong and determined. As of right now, he has not had any swelling develop so They are going to monitoring the swelling for the next 48 hrs. If after 48 hrs, there isn't any swelling, and he successfully receives the nutrition, and all his vitals and temperature are good; they will gradually reduce the small amount of sedative they are administering. Right now, Andrew's is in a coma due to the brain injuries he's sustained during the crash. The sedative is there to simply help him relax because he is showing signs of being uncomfortable, stress and agitation. We will not know the severity of brain injury for a few days, maybe weeks or worst case scenario, months. My Dad has always told me, "Patience is virtue" and that is all I keep hearing in my head. Not gonna lie, my heart smiles with every squeeze to my hand when I say "I miss you" and the hope that his eyes will open or say, "Did u lock your car?" BUT today, tomorrow and most importantly our first goal is for him to get thru the next 48 crucial hours without any swelling, fever or infection. Then we will move to the next step, that is transitioning from him being in a relaxed state to slowly letting Andrews brain try and start to function on his own. He is my favorite, he is my ❤️, he is my person, he is the worlds greatest Dad to one brave special girl, he is the funny friend that constantly posts about moobs, butt cracks, and toilets. He is the most giving, selflessness and caring person I know...I am lucky to be able to love him. I can honestly say, our prayer group is strong and the support from everyone near and far is what has gotten. ALL of us through. Please keep it going...a simple 1 min prayer is so powerful. We love each and everyone of you for everything.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 12, 2017, 06:07:11 PM
From family today

Update on Andrew: Good Morning. First of all THANK YOU to each and everyone of you for the love you have shown for Andrew, Annika, his family and myself. We are extremely blessed and humbled by the amount of prayers and thoughtful gestures our family and friends have shown us during this time.

Andrew continued to remain stable overnight, is breathing mostly on his own and was successfully able to receive some yummy steak and potatoes via a nutrition tube. His hydration level is good and coloring seems better, or atleast better than it did when we 1st got here. 

Andrew's had a pretty busy morning already. He went for CAT scan earlier. Good news is they do not see any swelling on the brain, only some bruising. The Neurologist wants to give him another 24 hrs as a precaution before they look at weening him off sedation consistently. So as of now, we give him rest and minimal interaction. The less stimulation, the better it is. The extent of brain injury is still unknown so this is our concern and where we need the prayers. The unknown is what is scary, but where we are also positive he will pull through.

He did receive a bath from 2 female nurses this morning so he can cross that off the bucket list.

Again, we appreciate all the prayers and comfort from near and far. We are asking today for limited visitors to give him time to rest. The family welcomes your support and understanding. Love all of you!
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: cru9 on March 12, 2017, 06:18:51 PM
Good news. Sounds like he is moving in the correct direction.

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Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: patman on March 12, 2017, 06:50:07 PM
Fantastic news
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: clark123456 on March 12, 2017, 07:07:21 PM
Great news.  I especially liked his bucket list item removal...too funny for such a serious situation, but funny stuff.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: jc79 on March 12, 2017, 07:41:44 PM
Good to hear, Doug. Amazing that his wife is able to keep her composure and even sense of humor through this. 

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Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 12, 2017, 08:59:31 PM
Good to hear, Doug. Amazing that his wife is able to keep her composure and even sense of humor through this. 

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Its his fiance, and I don't know her previously but i hear she is pretty incredible.

Annikas mother and father, Andrew, never married, but remain friends.  Its great that they all get along very well so no drama and all working for whatever is best for him.

I would like to know more from the neurologist as it seems the family isn't asking the high gain technical questions of him, at least that I've heard, but very little bleeding and little swelling are not typical for the severe brain trauma's I'm familiar with, but am certainly no neurologist. But i wonder exactly how his noggin is damaged and what has happened to his brain, and what the long term prognosis is.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 12, 2017, 09:38:11 PM
Did he sustain any non-head injuries also?

Not that I'm aware of, he doesn't appear to have any.  I haven't been in, but Mad took some photos of his daughter with him for her and there is no evidence of anything else.  He's just resting with a ventilator.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 17, 2017, 01:10:36 PM
Had not been much change, a few good signs Monday, set back Tuesday, rest day Wednesday and yesterday was AWESOME NEWS. I cannot imagine the feeling Annika must have but still a long road ahead.

From his Fiancé last night....
As of today, Thursday March 16th, 2017 Andrew made a huge jump and one we all have been anxiously waiting for. As quickly as these tragic situations can turn for the worse, they can turn for the better also. At 7:45 this morning we were saying our "good mornings" to Andrew and spoke with his Nurse for the day and his spoke with the Neurologist to get the game plan. Within in a matter of 30 minutes, he had successfully completed his 2 breathing tests, passed his blood work and they were going to try and remove his ventilation tube. We left the room, nervous, excited, frantic, not knowing if we we wanted to sit down, stand or jump up with joy. Before we even had time to let the nerves set in, 3 minutes later, his nurse steps out and says, "ok come on in, he's done".  Walking in that room and seeing him without all the tubes and the look of agitation in his face, our hearts melted.

He was able to recognize our voices and who we were for the most part throughout the day and that in itself is a blessing. The biggest blessing of all was when I asked Andrew how he knew Annika, he said "she's my daughter". Heather and I just smiled at each other with relief.

His throat is extremely sore of course and he struggles to talk, but he wants to and is trying. One of the 1st things he said was "toothbrush" and "water". Lol. I immediately thought to myself how many days has he been dying for a toothbrush and water :( The Nurse had noticed throughout the day, he is favoring his right side and not using his left side as much, so we are trying to focus his attention by standing on the left side when we go in to visit.

His memory is touch and go, mostly with dates and places. According to Andrew this morning he has been 24 yrs old and 35 yrs old and goes to the gym 3 x a week, so we will go with that for right now.

Throughout the day, he stayed awake alot more than we thought he would so hopefully he will sleep good tonight and get some good rest. The medical teamed mentioned tomorrow working on some physical therapy with his legs and attempting to get him to stand up/walk if he could. From this point, he has several small steps to take in order to be moved out of ICU. Swallowing, breathing, coughing, walking, using the bathroom on his own and continuing to follow commands are all crucial to moving forward.

Today has been a great day so far and we are very thankful for the not so little but HUGE victories he has made. This is going to be a slow recovery and full of baby steps of baby steps of baby steps....hence teaching all of us one of the main virtues of life, patience.

Thank you all again for your thoughts, prayers, messages, texts and overwhelming support. Keep the prayers coming.
#stronglikeandrew #hesmyfavorite
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: clark123456 on March 17, 2017, 02:50:13 PM
The gym visit count seems inline with what I tell it inline with his actual routine, or way under or way over
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 17, 2017, 03:38:44 PM
The gym visit count seems inline with what I tell it inline with his actual routine, or way under or way over
Never goes
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: Blue J on March 18, 2017, 10:21:06 PM
Did he have a stroke? During all of this? or is it just trauma? Prayers and best wishes.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: tcdawg on March 19, 2017, 08:40:50 AM
Really good news !
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 22, 2017, 06:33:32 AM

March 21, 2017: We were moved out of ICU yesterday to the Neurology Floor. Much bigger room and it has a window!!!! The sunlight does wonders for the soul. Last night we had some music therapy and a little bit on Dance Party USA.....Andrew of course sat this one out but tapped along a few times. He was started on a liquid diet yesterday and he couldn't say "Wow! That's awesome" enough. This morning, He is started out strong with eating scrambled eggs, grits, yogurt, 2 boxes of apple juice, a Powerade and 2 bottles of water. He was in heaven. He has been more tired in the morning and then staying awake later at night. Today he was awake this morning and been sleeping pretty much all day. 8-8:30 pm is his usual time to wake up and stay up till 1am or so. They took the staples out of his head today and I brushed his teeth :) All video recorded for later because you know he's gonna ask. Lol. Still hasn't been able to get up and walk but expecting PT will start tomorrow. We have a date of March 30th to go to the shepherd center but hopefully will sooner.  He answered the year he was born twice today and all the other times it was "2-14-99" which is Annika's birthday. ❤️ He is still super sweet and courteous has always. Thank you for the continued prayers! We love y'all!
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: tjsahara00 on March 22, 2017, 06:48:25 AM
good news
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: cru9 on March 22, 2017, 06:59:01 AM
Good news. That is a big step getting out of ICU.

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Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: BigMike on March 22, 2017, 07:38:57 AM
Just saw this thread.  Prayers for Andrew and his family for continued success in his recovery. 
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: Blue J on March 22, 2017, 08:18:11 AM
Good news. Thanks for the update and we will keep the prayers goin'.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: jc79 on March 22, 2017, 11:06:03 PM
Appreciate the updates, Doug.  Amazing turn around from where this started...!

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Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 24, 2017, 01:24:15 PM

March 23, 2017: It's been a great day for Mr. Blanton. He continues to amaze the doctors and nurses everyday with his determination and progress, but to his family and friends we just smile and say, "that's Andrew". Every time he pushes a little harder or says, "sure, I'll try" we are thankful and blessed for Gods grace in his healing and strength. He had 2 round rounds of occupation therapy today and then on his own decided he wanted to try and stand up....and well, he did it (of course with help, but he took the initiative) 13 days here and he has made more progress than other patients that have been here over a month. The nurses wish all their patients could be like Andrew. 1 week from today is our "Andrew goes to Shepherd" day. He even asks I have it in my phone on the calendar (his OCD is still in full effect) Each day with therapy, we see just exactly where his biggest struggles are. Leg raises, leaning on his elbows, kicking his leg out side to side are all new and trying movements for him. Some are easy, some are hard and some he can't quite understand what he is being asked to do. He doesn't quit though and his eyes and face show that he is fighting hard and wants to get there.

Today, he was at Dekalb Medical Center but knew he was in a hospital, knew the year and could read the words "brain injury" written on the white board. "Brain Injury" he would randomly say. For lunch I thought I'd get him a sweet potato as a treat and see if he could eat it....well He also managed to eat 1/2 of my piece of pizza and drink my tea. I've never been so happy in my life to share my piece of pizza. That's love y'all.

Going to bathroom has been an issue, so we got him a portable seat to sit next to the bed. Check. Did that. Later on in the day, he said, "I'm going to the bathroom." I said, "ok. One second let me get...." couldn't even finish my sentence and he says "That bathroom over there" and points to his bathroom and started to push himself to stand. So I called Chad, his nurse and we went with it....Check. He did it. They have this cool "Rascal" looking scooter thing that can maneuver him around and really helps get him from he bed to the recliner or to the bathroom. He's always wanted a Rascal.

Andrew and Annika had a wonderful surprise from some of the girls and boys from the Mill Creek golf team tonight. He couldn't stop talking about scores, tee times and courses they had to play. He must have asked them 20 times, who played today and what their tee times were tomorrow. The best thing he said to these kids he's known for years is, "Good luck, have fun and be silly" That's Andrew. He wanted them all to go home and rest and be ready for the morning and to have dinner and good breakfast. He says there's a cookout at Heather's tomorrow at 12pm and we can grill whatever. Lol...maybe not tomorrow but yes, eventually we will have that cookout. No matter what kids he knows, supports or how he knows them, his heart genuinely cares about all of them and wants hem to succeed.....that's why we all love him. By the end of he day he was exhausted. We still had a nice quick game of "Andrew Uno" with our good friend Hank     Annika and Layne.

Andrew's Neurologist stopped into today to check in. He is extremely hopeful and while he is excited for Andrew's progress, he still will mention the slow and long recovery road he has ahead. That gentle reminder that there will be 2-3 good days and then there may be 2-3 bad days. Even though we know this, we still need to to hear it. 1 month, 6 months, 1 year or 10 years....even if it's forever. He's got this. We got this.

Since we are trying to get Andrew on a schedule with eating and sleep times.... if you would like to visit, the best times are probably around 12pm, 3pm or 6pm. Just message or text us before coming up so we can let you know how he is that day.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and thank you again for all the love, support and prayers. Without y'all, we couldn't get thru this and be #stronglikeandrew.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: BigMike on March 24, 2017, 01:32:15 PM
I don't even know this man but would be his friend in a minute.  His story inspires me and I continue my prayers for him and his family.
Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: Mortalis5509 on March 24, 2017, 02:07:28 PM
Hope he continues forward. Physical therapy always sucks, and I hope he pushes through it.

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Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: jc79 on March 24, 2017, 10:33:53 PM
Agree with BigMike and Don. Inspiring story for all of us. Keep the updates coming...

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Title: Re: Need Prayers
Post by: DOUG on March 25, 2017, 09:28:16 PM

March 24, 2017: I originally wasn't gonna make a post tonight since Andrew had such a busy day yesterday, we had lazy comfy pants day. He slept in until 9:30, had breakfast, nap, lunch, nap, dinner, nap.......Then, I sit here and think about how our day ended and I get a little emotional. My tears aren't because of worry or fear, but of happiness and joy for him. It started with the wardrobe change, out with the hospital gown he's been ripping off and boycotting, in with the Black Sabbath t-shirt and black comfy shorts. 🤘 From the time he wakes up until he goes to bed, the constant talk of appointments, schedules, tee times, games, breakfast, lunch and dinner and asking where we need to be on whatever day he thinks it is..he makes me smile because that's him...his OCD stresses my ADD out.

With every day, his humor is strongly present but there's also a sense of sadness too with the struggle between knowing and not knowing. (He wouldn't ever admit the sadness part but that's ok) "Hey, What do we have to do tomorrow? Make sure so and so knows we will call them", "What time is breakfast? What would you like for breakfast? What time will you be there" "Kara, where's the bottle of wine? What?!? Why can't we have wine?? Does this hotel have wine. When are we going to our room? What?!??!? Whyyyy???? Why can't we have wine??"      He says this with people here and without people here, You kind of giggle when he says or asks these things for the 3rd, 4th, 5th time but then you see the look of confusion on his face. He doesn't know why it's funny, he doesn't know he just asked the same question 5min earlier.....that's the sadness and that's where I get emotional. Not gonna lie tho ....It was funny as crap when he called the nurses station tonight and asked for a bottle of wine and how much would it cost.  He hung up and said, they have Coke, Diet Coke and Sprite. It was the cutest thing.

Tonight, above the frustrations and sadness that peeked through every now and then, there was a smile and a laughter that hasn't been there in 14 days. So tonight's post is about that, being thankful for his smiles, laughter, humor and the wonderful visits with friends.
