Georgia Trail Riders Forum

MEMBERS DISCUSSION AREA => General Discussion => Topic started by: Jimmy on July 01, 2008, 04:56:48 PM

Title: So I was driving to a customer this afternoon......
Post by: Jimmy on July 01, 2008, 04:56:48 PM
....and a mile or so into my drive the Jeep starting shaking violently and growling. My first thoughts were "I some how managed to grenade my gears, fuggin great" and "there goes whatever was causing my death wobble". I pull over into a parking lot and as I slow the growl disappears and the shaking lessens. I get out, and don't see anything wrong with the front suspension/steering so I decide to limp to the Advanced Auto three stores down, figuring I'd be in a better location if I determined whats wrong. I get back on the road and the shaking and growling comes back. I couldn't even see out of my mirrors they were shaking so bad. I get out at Advanced and decide to check out the rear. Thats when I noticed that I was missing a bearing cap on the u-joint between the rear pinion yoke and driveshaft because one of the bolts on the u-joints backed itself out. Freaking Fantastic, I swear I put locktite on those bolts. I went inside, bought a new strap kit, a new u-joint and some locktite. After pulling the shaft, I tried to get the u-joint out but after putting a huge crack in their sidewalk, I decided to leave (unfortunately I couldn't find a hobo with a short fuse to get my u-joint out). I drove to my storage unit that was a couple miles away in 4Hi and the rear shaft out (which REALLY sucks with an Aussie), got my spare shaft and drove home. I haven't touched the old shaft again yet since I am so pissed at it.

The good news thought is that I have no vibration with the new driveshaft in place, so it wasn't coming from the new front end.
Title: Re: So I was driving to a customer this afternoon......
Post by: GIJoe4500 on July 01, 2008, 05:09:22 PM
Well, at least you figured out what the problem was!
Title: Re: So I was driving to a customer this afternoon......
Post by: Krawler00 on July 01, 2008, 08:56:28 PM
Man! Where are those knife wealding hobos when you need them!? :D
Title: Re: So I was driving to a customer this afternoon......
Post by: Jimmy on July 01, 2008, 09:16:40 PM
Man! Where are those knife wealding hobos when you need them!? :D

My guess? A crack house.
Title: Re: So I was driving to a customer this afternoon......
Post by: Krawler00 on July 01, 2008, 09:17:50 PM
Title: Re: So I was driving to a customer this afternoon......
Post by: Will on July 03, 2008, 12:38:13 PM
Damn Jimmy! I guess it takes two dumb asses to get a U-joint out.  :D   I'll be pulling a few bolts and making sure they have lock tite on 'em. They seem to be working themselves loose a lot lately. My trackbar bolt fell out on the trails at Tellico. Just straight  out and the trackbar hit the floor. Pretty lame  :D