Georgia Trail Riders Forum

MEMBERS DISCUSSION AREA => General Discussion => Topic started by: Trailabite on July 10, 2020, 09:06:42 AM

Title: Say no to "Made in China"
Post by: Trailabite on July 10, 2020, 09:06:42 AM
I received this from our legal department this morning. The Fed's put a stop to Chinese made trains in 2018. And we all heard about the Chinese trying to advertise stolen technology in SEMA the last few years. As of now the company that I work for is not allowed to enter into any kind of contract with a Chinese owned company.
Title: Re: Say no to "Made in China"
Post by: jesseshoots on July 10, 2020, 09:38:09 AM
That was a very interesting read, and it makes a lot of sense. Protecting American IP is incredibly important and the Chinese business culture has no problem with stealing ideas.

Having worked for the company that started the mega SEMA crackdown and enforcement a few years back, and having my own work knocked off and sold for less than half the price, I'm a huge fan of saying no to "made in China" when the design is a counterfeit.

That being said, I also worked with Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers and they were constantly striving to give us the best results for however much we were willing to pay. They get a terrible rep for doing sub-par work, but their skill level isn't the problem. It's how much the company outsourcing the manufacturing is willing to pay per part. Also it's on the one handling that line of communication to ensure that every little detail is specified or they will find a way to make it cheaper.

I won't refuse to buy a product just because it is made in China. I only refuse to buy something if the cost is too high for my determined value of the product. I also now refuse to buy counterfeits.