Georgia Trail Riders Forum

MEMBERS DISCUSSION AREA => General Discussion => Topic started by: Jimmy on October 05, 2008, 04:30:00 PM

Title: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Jimmy on October 05, 2008, 04:30:00 PM
....without a dog, until today. We swung by Petsmart after lunch (my girlfriend likes to look at the puppies and kittens out for adoption) and this little gal stuck out to me. I had zero intentions of getting a dog soon, but after spending 2 hours in the store trying to decide, I ended up taking Amber home. Not 100% sure what she is, but my guess is some kind of lab/bird dog mix. She is pretty small, 6 months old and only 35 lbs, plus she has small paws, but thats ok since I am in an apartment right now. Unfortunately, her and the cat get along ok.

About 2 seconds after I told Beth she is not going to get on the furniture:



Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: BigJerm on October 05, 2008, 04:40:38 PM
cute pup! Yeah the furniture thing..... Montana sleeps (is right now) on the couch leaning on the arm of the chair.
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Will on October 05, 2008, 04:58:41 PM
Good looking dog, man! Congrats.
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 05, 2008, 05:05:54 PM
Great looking dog. My wife treats our 2 chihuahua's better than she treats me. :'( Another reason I spend most of my time overseas!!LOL!!
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: urdaddyjeep on October 05, 2008, 08:46:17 PM
goodlookin dog....mine is looking for a girlfriend....


Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Krawler00 on October 05, 2008, 08:57:12 PM
I want a dog bad! Just can not justify it right now! Somebody come take care of my 3 outside cats so I can get one. ;D
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Matt on October 06, 2008, 09:06:53 AM
JIMMY! Sugars pups need a home! >:(

Just kiddin. The second picture looks like it might have some pit in her.
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: RotorHead on October 06, 2008, 10:32:42 AM
Cute pup Jimmy. Congrats.  {toast}
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Jimmy on October 06, 2008, 01:00:42 PM
The second picture looks like it might have some pit in her.

I thought that at first too, but she has some big old ears. I've never seen a pit mix with giant ears, lol.

I went to go pay my pet deposit today, and unfortunately the smart woman that works in the office wasn't there and I had to talk to the retarded 24 year old girl with a GA Southern marketing degree with an ego the size of Bibb County. The pet fee is $200 nonrefundable per animal plus $100 refundable, so I told her I felt like I was being scammed since I have helped manage investment properties before and I know that cleaning fees don't double if you have one animal or two. I told her it was nothing against her personally, she didn't write the rules, I am just not the type of person to sit there an take it when I think something is blatantly immoral. I also told her it wasn't fair that I would have to pay as much as someone with a terrible dog if I have a "damn good dog".

She told me she was personally offended because I said I felt like I was being scammed and she wouldn't stand for profanity in her office. WTF? The pussification of American continues. Since when is damn profanity in that context, its not like I damned her to hell? If she gets offended when someone knocks your company's business practices (that you didn't come up with) she needs to find a job where she doesn't have to deal with customers ever. I've had people call my company thieves to my face over several hundred thousand dollars and I didn't take offense because I knew he wasn't really attacking me. If you get your panties in a bunch over getting called a scammer over $200 of pointless charges, you need to find a new career.

Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Will on October 06, 2008, 01:23:44 PM
Georgia Southern girl, huh? All you have to do is buy her a shot, tell her you drive a Jeep, and she'll do whatever you want.   {bang}


Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Jimmy on October 06, 2008, 01:30:29 PM
Georgia Southern girl, huh? All you have to do is buy her a shot, and she'll do whatever you want, then have crabs.   {bang}   

Fixed it for you!
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Matt on October 06, 2008, 01:54:11 PM
I still havent paid the pet deposit for our dog. I too thought $400, was re"dick"ulous. And our lease is almost up {toast}

Oh yea...Now i have 6 dogs  nln ()()
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Ben H. on October 06, 2008, 02:31:59 PM
Good looking dog there Jimbo.
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Sasquatch on October 07, 2008, 07:59:03 AM
I know your pain with the pet deposit.

When I was looking to move in with my girlfriend a few months ago it was going to cost me around $900 for first months rent, $900 for deposit.  Then on top of that I have a dog and she has two, most places wanted a minimum of $300 per dog plus another $100 a month after that! 


3K just to move into a place I don't own is flat dumb.

So I beat the system and bought a house.  Cost me $1500 out of pocket plus about $1500 in appliances at the scratch and dent store.  And my mortgage is comparable to the rent I would have paid.

Btw, I love owning my own home.

Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Jimmy on October 07, 2008, 08:27:33 AM
I hear ya on that, I would love to buy a house instead of pissing away rent money every month, I just don't know where/if I will be moving after I graduate so there is no point yet.
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Krawler00 on October 07, 2008, 08:41:10 AM
Actually, if I know what I know now I would still be renting and just pay the crap out of my debt! House payments are alot more than rent. Just get a house without any debt. ;)
Title: Re: Well, I made it 10 months.......
Post by: Sasquatch on October 07, 2008, 08:54:13 AM
I guess that was my advantage starting off. 

The only thing I owed any money on was my GTI.

But that was traded for the Jeep with smaller payments/ less upkeep.

Being without debt is a wonderful place to be.