Georgia Trail Riders Forum

MEMBERS DISCUSSION AREA => General Discussion => Topic started by: BigJerm on November 12, 2008, 01:50:48 PM

Title: How safe is your job?
Post by: BigJerm on November 12, 2008, 01:50:48 PM
So with the companies going under and layoffs going on just about everywhere, how is your job/company doing? What would you do if you lost your job?

At my job we are cutting expenses everywhere possible. Anything from UPS, office supplies, paper usage, moving to an office building corporate owns instead of renting. I know a few here and there positions have been eliminated but it sounds like they moved those people around in the company. Megan’s job seems pretty safe. I mean the girl has been working 6 days a week non stop past few weeks, some weeks 7 days.

If I lost my job… assuming I was laid off, first thing is to get on the government check. Hate to say it but yep, unemployment for me. I am sure I would get a small severence (sp) package but it wont be much since I have been here a little less than 3 years now. Second is get rid of the JK. Probably just call the loan company and tell them to come and get it because no one is going to buy this Jeep for my payoff. Third is tear up the job application process… I have no shame, I will be a trash man for all I care so I will apply like its going out of style. If all else fails, I guess lose some weight and hello Marines, just follow in my dad's footsteps.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: Krawler00 on November 12, 2008, 02:00:44 PM
Well to be in a market of want and not need... our business has done great this year. We are a little over a million up from last year. Not bad.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: BigJerm on November 12, 2008, 02:15:43 PM
Not bad. We are in the home improvement industry so not the best field BUT last month we did hit our numbers for the first time in a short while
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: yellowxj on November 12, 2008, 03:59:08 PM
Getting used to the term "over qualified" or for instance, applying for a job as a surveyors helper only to find out that many of the applicants are full fledge surveyors looking for a job.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: mdo817 on November 12, 2008, 04:09:19 PM
Seeing how we have outsourced a lot of our work out of the country I would probably go back to school and let the government pay for a portion of it. Work partime in a machine shop and rub the wifes feet regular so maybe she would let me be out of work for a while. I may have to quit my job though if the try and send me to Minnesota.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: Matt on November 12, 2008, 06:28:17 PM
Considering the business were in I would say not very. They of course cut all temps first thing. 7 people have been let go in our location.

But I think the only way I have anything to worry about is if the whole company tanks which is always a possibility. I just went to 50 hours a week before the bailouts, and have tons of work to do. Plus I am one of the veterans here, so I better see the last hired, be the first fired.

If I do loose my job. I will start by crying, then get that government bail out, look for jobs all over the US and think about moving. Jessica's job should be pretty safe. I dont think teachers are to effected by the economy.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: IFSSUX on November 12, 2008, 07:08:56 PM
i am a network admin for an office supply company so for me to loose my job the company would have to go under which shouldnt happen since as long as there are people doing work they will need our copy machines and stuff. if we go under then there wont be any jobs anywhere in our area.....
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: DOUG on November 12, 2008, 07:36:10 PM
I think most of us are in the same boat.  Do a good job, and be a valuable team player for the boss, and you'll survive the cuts.  The dead wood goes first, and then those you can live without.  I hope the new year brings a turn around for all of you.  And me too. ;)
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: StevenH on November 12, 2008, 08:53:53 PM
My boss layed 5 people off last friday, just trimming some fat he claimed. We've already done a $12mil job this year, in the middle of doing more work. He built a house that cost him $3mil

If it gets bad enough maybe he will sell his house and keep paying us  :D

I'm guaranteed a minimum salary. for now at least...

It's hard for anyone to tell where they sit on the totem pole, you could think you are at the top and be the first cut from the team because the guy going unnoticed flew under the radar

All that said, I'm halfway confident that my job is safe

It's funny you mention this, I picked up the newspaper this morning and looked in the classifieds at the employment section and there was maybe 10 jobs total in there when there are usually 3 or 4 pages of them. Times are getting tough, thats for sure
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: urdaddyjeep on November 12, 2008, 09:06:45 PM
not sure have to see what the new Pres of the company has to say... we might do the down size thing again.. if that happens then i will be on the choppin block... hate being that middle guy.. if it does happen i got another job lined up... Welcome to Wal Mart do you need a buggie..

Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: ghostdancer308 on November 13, 2008, 10:10:25 AM
If you have seen the movie "The Kingdom" with Jamie Fox and Jennifer Garner you would have the classic answer. I try to live by it myself. Its when the State Department guy is speaking with the FBI director. "I wake up everyday knowing this could be my last at my position and status. So if it happens, I am not suprised and ...oh well". That is my take/spin on it. Always have a backdoor. Even if it does stop your ability to lift that jeep!!LOL!!
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: Diehard on November 13, 2008, 02:35:42 PM
The railroad, CSX, is doing ok. Some revenues are down, but overall I'm not worried. I'm thinking of retiring next year in April.
More time to go offroading!!!!
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: Matt on November 13, 2008, 06:12:55 PM
My cousin works for CSX in NC.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: DOUG on November 13, 2008, 07:47:52 PM
My cousin works for CSX in NC.

So.... what's he do?
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: tgrt on November 13, 2008, 10:44:42 PM
I work for a die shop and stamper.  This time last year we were running three full shifts and we're down to one now.  We laid off just over 30 people a few weeks ago.  The main problem is that most of our work is for the auto industry.  However, I've seen the forecasts and there is still work for the foreseeable future.

Seeing as I have tried to make myself invaluable I will be around as long as they can afford me.  I just finished our part of a large EDI project.  Our first that involved me writing software for integration, translation, and validation of EDI documents.  It saved the company at least $50K and probably more around $75k then buying software and consulting from outside.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: IFSSUX on November 14, 2008, 07:59:23 AM
^ thats the way to do it. i just made sure when i setup the network that its so perfect a child could figure out how to maintain it. it makes the boss happy that she doesnt have to wait on me to fix the network since any idiot there can so she now has me doing anything IT related and now i even help out around the office doing anything asked of me. she went from having an outside company that cost over 100K a year to handle IT to paying me for IT plus getting extra work out of me including vehicle repairs :-P

just make sure you pick up any extra slack around the office and you will be hard to let go. the idiot who is always sleeping or calling in will be let go first.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: DOUG on November 14, 2008, 08:50:47 AM
I work for a die shop and stamper.  This time last year we were running three full shifts and we're down to one now.  We laid off just over 30 people a few weeks ago.  The main problem is that most of our work is for the auto industry.  However, I've seen the forecasts and there is still work for the foreseeable future.

Seeing as I have tried to make myself invaluable I will be around as long as they can afford me.  I just finished our part of a large EDI project.  Our first that involved me writing software for integration, translation, and validation of EDI documents.  It saved the company at least $50K and probably more around $75k then buying software and consulting from outside.
^ thats the way to do it. i just made sure when i setup the network that its so perfect a child could figure out how to maintain it. it makes the boss happy that she doesnt have to wait on me to fix the network since any idiot there can so she now has me doing anything IT related and now i even help out around the office doing anything asked of me. she went from having an outside company that cost over 100K a year to handle IT to paying me for IT plus getting extra work out of me including vehicle repairs :-P

just make sure you pick up any extra slack around the office and you will be hard to let go. the idiot who is always sleeping or calling in will be let go first.

Nice work you guys.  Sounds like somebody I'd want on my team.  Go the extra mile.  Take action without asking.  Good job!

Tgrt, where's the shop?

Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: BigJerm on November 14, 2008, 08:54:04 AM
just make sure you pick up any extra slack around the office and you will be hard to let go. the idiot who is always sleeping or calling in will be let go first.

That’s what I am doing... busting my ass at work. Make sure they know without me the other 1 person in my department would go under quickly and fall way behind on licenses. I also help the merchants with my product and installation knowledge since I have installed every product we sell in the past. Megan even said she wanted to call in today and I should to and I said if I called in today, it could be permanent...
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: IFSSUX on November 14, 2008, 10:34:33 AM
i would also like to point out that anyone who wheels an IFS truck doesnt mind work....

but you all know that by now  ::)
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: Krawler00 on November 14, 2008, 10:38:44 AM
Well, to have a safe job you do need to go above and beyond. The bible even tells us to be diligent and use our time wisely and work hard. Even if your boss is a butt you are there to do a job and you are to be diligent. Now we all surf the net, waste some time now and then but the work should be first. I happen to be one of the lucky ones and have a job where I can basically come in and go as I please as long as the work gets done and it's right. I would not want to work for another boss and hope to retire from here. My boss wears hawaiian shirts and sandals in the summer so that gives you an indication of how laid back it is here. I never shave unless I work a show and wear regular clothes to work. We have outings from time to time like golf or head over to his house for pizza and other stuff. I have been here for 6 years and have loved every minute of it. Never come in to do the same thing and always have unexpected things come up to make it interesting. You have to be able to adapt and learn. It also helps to have a hand in all aspects of the job. I have about 6 duties here and all are crucial. I even clean the offices for a little extra $. Every bit helps!
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: lt99ls1 on November 14, 2008, 10:46:54 AM
I am the Director of Information Technology for my home town's city goverment. I think my job is safe even if the pay is not all that it would be in the private sector.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: DOUG on November 14, 2008, 10:47:53 AM
Megan even said she wanted to call in today and I should to and I said if I called in today, it could be permanent...

That doesn't sound like the Megan I read about!  Hope she's feeling well.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: BigJerm on November 14, 2008, 12:47:08 PM
Megan even said she wanted to call in today and I should to and I said if I called in today, it could be permanent...

That doesn't sound like the Megan I read about!  Hope she's feeling well.

She just has a case of the Super-Lazy-Bug  :D
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: Ben H. on November 14, 2008, 02:47:07 PM
I think my job as "student" is pretty safe but once I graduate who knows.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: DOUG on November 14, 2008, 03:08:22 PM
Megan even said she wanted to call in today and I should to and I said if I called in today, it could be permanent...

That doesn't sound like the Megan I read about!  Hope she's feeling well.

She just has a case of the Super-Lazy-Bug  :D

yeah, cold rainy days will do that to ya, sleeping weather!
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: StevenH on November 14, 2008, 08:40:04 PM
Being self sufficient and knowing a few other trades doesn't hurt either. If I had to I would get a job in construction or whatever I had to do to keep the lights on

I really dont have any bills, I buy my shit with cash  ;) the little bit of stuff I have anyways  ;D

Another thing that will give us peace of mind is our 401k can help us in an emergency, it can make your mortgage payment if you have to use it for that. Thats one thing that makes me wonder about all the home foreclosures right now, those people didn't have any savings they could use to get them by?

I know using your retirement is a bad idea, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: TJ-xtreme on November 15, 2008, 06:23:18 PM
My company layed off 16 people last week nation wide. doesn't sound too bad unless you think about the fact that there's only about 300 employees in the entire company...
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: So-Bad-Im-Good on November 15, 2008, 08:52:28 PM
hmmmmmm how safe is any of our jobs in todays  economy??? I am a locomotive computer repair tech and fabricator.I am the oldest and only one in our Ga shop but I don't feel safe at my job.We work all over the US and travel alot.I was in Pa and Va last week and talked to some workers who said they figured the would lose their jobs in a few weeks.
Title: Re: How safe is your job?
Post by: tgrt on November 16, 2008, 01:55:40 PM
Nice work you guys.  Sounds like somebody I'd want on my team.  Go the extra mile.  Take action without asking.  Good job!

Tgrt, where's the shop?

It's in Carrollton.  We do allot of tier 2 stuff for some big names.