Georgia Trail Riders Forum

MEMBERS DISCUSSION AREA => General Discussion => Topic started by: urdaddyjeep on August 04, 2009, 08:51:20 PM

Title: Help us make a our goal
Post by: urdaddyjeep on August 04, 2009, 08:51:20 PM
As some of you know my wife and I lost a member of our family in April 2006 to a drunk driver. Not only did my wife lose her sister but I lost one of my friends that nite as well. Both Bobbie and Brandy were killed. Bobbie and I served together and went into combat together a few times.. Brandy had only been in the Air Force a little over a 1yr and a half. So that nite Mr. James Kincaid killed both a brother and a sister of mine. They were returning from a Patriot Ride for one of the fallen from 10th SFG. where Bobby was stationed after he left Campbell.

So I am asking for help with our Walk Like MADD coming up the 3rd of Oct.
Here is the link

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to help us out.

Mike and Theresa
Title: Re: Help us make a our goal
Post by: mdo817 on August 04, 2009, 11:34:30 PM
Done, Donna lost a sister to a DD about 10 years ago in Daytona. Drunk, driving on a suspended, no jail time. Fl. laws suck.
Title: Re: Help us make a our goal
Post by: urdaddyjeep on August 05, 2009, 10:51:43 AM
There is a NY Lawyer that has just won a murder charge on a guy that was driving drunk and killed 2 people in FL.. the guy got 1st degree and 75yrs I think... James Kincaid got 12yrs for killing Brandy and Bobbie.. 6yrs a piece in CO...

Theresa and I am sorry for you and Donna's lost