Georgia Trail Riders Forum

MEMBERS DISCUSSION AREA => General Discussion => Topic started by: ghostdancer308 on September 04, 2009, 07:47:22 AM

Title: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 04, 2009, 07:47:22 AM
Ok all you tech freaks. I have a Toshiba satellite and its just over a year old. I was thinking about crossing over to the MAC(Book, or BookPro) side. Give me some input. Thanks!! {toast}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Matt on September 04, 2009, 08:11:09 AM

Why switch?

The 10 reasons that Apple must think is imperative for making the change from a PC to a MAC can be found on their website. Of course if you have the time to read through all of them you realise that these 10 features or reasons have been standard with the PC a long, long, long time. Some of the reasons are just plain myths that Apple invented. Probably because they ran out of fabricated facts.
So take the journey through the 10 commandments of a mac-enthusiast and enjoy their naive attitude towards personal computing.

1. The Mac... It just works

This is maybe the ultimate reason a mac owner will give you to explain why it's superior to a PC. The mac owner will tell you that all people that own macs are really satisfied with their computers and would never switch back. This is ofcourse not true. If you read our Real stories you will find all kinds of interesting stories about owning a mac.
The mac owner will also tell you that with a system from Apple you will never have to think about drivers, upgrades or anything. A mac is perfection itself when delivered. Atleast according to their standard. Many mac:s can't even be upgraded. So what you buy is what you get. Expect your system to be outdated within 1-2 years.
Apple also states: "Only with a Mac do you get an operating system built by the same people who built the computer it runs on.". Actually Apple's Mac OS X (the operating system) is not based on their own technology, but by the technology of freeBSD. Apple's own capabilities in form of creating an operating system have been demonstrated in previous versions of Mac OS. It took an operating system based on someone else's technology to get a Mac multitasking and not behaving like an oversized pocket calculator from 1985.

2. It doesn't crash

Yes it does! And it does it alot. The difference between a pc based on Windows crashing and a Mac is that on the pc the crash is in 99% of the cases caused by badly coded third party software, when the Mac just has a faulty operating system. Why else would Apple themselves run their india website on Linux RedHat?
There is another fun part about crashes on the mac, it's almost always impossible to trace the source of the crash. When your mac crashes you simply reinstall the system. Sounds like a fun thing to do on your spare time, well buy a Mac then!


3. Simply the best in digital music

This point is actually based on Apple's iPod. I must admit, the iPod is not an ugly creation. I'll give Apple credit for that. But as always, they exaggerate the benefits of their product. Apple was far from first with creating a portable mp3-player with a built in harddrive but on the other side they do offer the most expensive solution.
The iPod is about 40-60% more expensive than technologically equal products. Keep in mind also that it offers no recording option and no belt clip. Two very crucial benefits a portable mp3-player should have.


4. The missing link in digital photography

It's amazing! Apple has invented a program called iPhotos that will revolutionize the way we look at digital photos. Hear what they have to say: "Simply drag your mouse, and iPhoto magically grows or shrinks your photo thumbnails. So you can view individual shots in detail or see hundreds of photos on the screen at once...".
Maybe mac users are new to digital photos on the computer but on the pc we have a huge variety of freeware that does the job of iPhoto and more, to choose from. So when Apple says that they are "the missing link in digital photography" maybe what they meant was that iPhoto is the missing link of the Mac.
Windows users reached that stage of evolution ages ago.


5. Your own digital entertainment center

It seems that Apple thinks that they've revolutionized computing by developing mediocre software for viewing digital photos, editing video, burning CDs and DVDs and listening to music. Well they haven't!


6. Goes everywhere you go

You better sit down for this one, hold on to your seat and embrace yourself for some cutting edge news from Apple... they've invented the laptop, eureka! Not only that, they think they've made it superior to other laptops. Let's look at why and also try to answer their questions:

    * Can your PC laptop go coast to coast with just one battery?
      — Ofcourse. And if it only needs the performance of the Mac it could probably go around the world.
    * Can you put the system to sleep just by closing the lid?
      — Oh my god, a Mac can do that? Well, so can a PC!
    * Does it wake up instantly?
    * Can your PC laptop automatically switch between Ethernet,
      dial-up and wireless connections on the fly?
      —Without a doubt!
    * Without a restart?
      Is this a joke? This really proves that Apple has no clue on what their competitors are doing. If they never have used a PC running Windows it makes their tests and objective sayings about the Mac really credible. Oh, by the way, I was being sarcastic.


7. It's built for the internet

Apple makes a huge point about the easability of configuring an internet connection on a mac. All new Windows versions come with just as easy to use guides for connecting to the internet with modem, lan or anything else. They also brag about such obvious tools of communication like email, favorites and contacts. Yes Apple, this is really new and hot stuff, you are indeed innovative. Or maybe not.
The worst part might be that they lie about their under average video-plugin Quicktime. This might be one of the worst programs ever to install. Actually if some students at a university needed an example of a really poorly written program, this would be a perfect opportunity for Quicktime to step into the limelight.


8. Office is Office, and then some

Yes, the mac comes with Office and this is why you should make the switch from a pc to a mac:

"The transition to a Mac is easy in part because you’ll continue using the same applications you already know"

Ask yourself this: Why would I switch when It's the exactly same on the mac? -Beats me. Apple does speak of some mysterious features in this sentence:

"And thanks to exclusive features, the Mac versions improve on their Windows counterparts"

As you might expect they mention nothing on what these features are. Well they're probably just wonderfully, perfectly and amazingly non-existent!


9. Works effortlessly with PCs

Apple thought for a long time that they'd be best off constructing their own method for network-communication. Everyone that has struggled with the glorious AppleTalk knows that they didn't do a great job. Now they have realised that it's better to use an already working technology that someone else created instead of poorly reinventing the wheel.

"Networking on a Mac is built on the same technologies used by PCs."

They also reveal amazing means of medias you can use on your mac:

..."you can also swap files via data CD, floppies or Zip disks."


10. It's beautiful

Apple emphasises that all their products are masterpieces of design. Their problem is that their focus on design hinders them from creating ergonomical and practical machines. If you have ever used the small round iMac mouse you have probably too suffered from aches in arm and hand.

"...ergonomic products that are the toast of the design world..."

It wasn't I who brought up the word toast into the debate. On the other hand it was I who drew the paralell to machines looking like plain household machines. Who wants a computer that look like a remnant from the 70's like the one on my right. You could probably achieve the same state of hallucination if staring long enough on this iMac, that you could by inhaling large amounts of heavy drugs.

So what have we learned from these 10 points that Apple provides for the potential buyer. We have learned that Apple likes to tell their future customers that the mac is built on technology they probably already are using on their PCs. They also lure the extremely naive buyers with words like internet, word-processing and cd-burning.

Please do not be fooled. You have nothing to gain by switching to a Mac. Apple has proved it on their own, with a little help from us.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 04, 2009, 08:23:19 AM
Ouch! I guess you don't like MAC?LOL!! Good read.  {toast}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Matt on September 04, 2009, 08:47:29 AM
No, I have always been a PC guy. Me & adam have been building them since we were 16. I have had 1 mac. I do not care for them. Most people that do are graphic/photo people. But you can still do the same stuff on a PC.

{nln} MAC {nln}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 04, 2009, 08:50:12 AM
Cool. I am still thinking of selling this Laptop I have now. I have a month to decide. A bunch of the guys I work with swear by MAC. I will keep you posted on what I do! Thanks for your input. {salute}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Krawler00 on September 04, 2009, 09:13:26 AM
G, I am a designer, I prefer macs due to the fact that they are better IMO in design applications etc. I have both and have had more trouble with my PCs than my mac. Both have issues but the other big issue is software. You can't just walk into walmart and buy a game or software like you can a PC. If I were you I would get a PC laptop to save some green for Jeep parts. Make that... Gucci parts! I know your taste! ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Richmon on September 04, 2009, 09:14:45 AM
I have had both PC's and MAC's.  I currently have a MAC and will not be going back to a PC anytime soon (I have had my MAC for several years).  For anyone who is interested in switching to a MAC I would ask these questions:

How do you use your computer?  

An example is if you program in .NET switching to a MAC can be problematic since MAC does not support .NET.  You would have to run Windows within the MAC OS which can be expensive.

What is your price range?

Lets just say Apple is proud of their product and charges a premium for it.  But iWorks and iLife are much less in cost than Microsoft Office.

Do you have any other Apple products?

These are the same questions that I would ask anyone looking at Linux (of course there is not cost with that switch).
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Matt on September 04, 2009, 09:41:45 AM
Both of you guys hit a very serious issue with macs and that is price.

You can get alot more pc for the money. Stay away from Compaq. They put more junk on a new computer then any company I have seen, and always have issues of freezing up. I bought a cheap E machine to do all my GATR work on. I had to upgrade the memory right away just to run VISTA.  But other than that, the PC has never had a problem, no viruses, no freezing, etc. I was sketchy about buying an Emachine at first, but for a secondary CPU I did not want to spend alot. Excellent product though. It was cheaper to buy it than build another.

I have an HP laptop that I absolutely despise.  >:(
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 04, 2009, 10:02:03 AM
Now with Mac's snow leopard and safari, I keep hearing there is not many viruses out there for Mac. I see snow leopard is also suppose to let you run both windows applications and Linux OS. What is your take on that?
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: wtheonew on September 04, 2009, 10:22:24 AM
My personal favorite Mac statement.  "Programs don't crash"

See in Windows when something dies it tells you and why.  My experience with Macs is that a program will just go away and shout *LALALA I WAS NEVER OPEN LALALA*  I was in the middle of typing a sentence and the program just disappeared. No error, no autosave on the crash, no message when I reopened it, nothing.

I like Apple product for their form but that's about it.

I just priced out a Macbook with identical specs as my laptop.  The only difference is that mine is a 12" instead of the 13.3" Macbook which should actually make mine a bit more since it's an uncommon size.  I got mine for $1100 to my door, retails around $1250.  The Mac is $1898.  Both are 2.53 Core 2 Centrino, 4GB DDR2, 500GB HDD, 3 year warranty. Mine even has a HDMI port that Win 7 handles magnificently.

Another one of my gripes about Macbooks is that to save space they use proprietary connectors up the ass.

And 7 hour battery? Whoever at Apple that came up with that spec was high or something.  They must not have been using it at all with all peripherals turned off.  I get a legitimate 4.5 out of mine and most Macs that I've used are similar.  It's not like they use any special hardware that would give them better battery life.

BUT, if you do get a Mac you will most likely be happy with it, they are good machines.  Especially if you dual-booted Win 7  ;)
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Richmon on September 04, 2009, 10:28:21 AM
Snow Leopard is the next OS for MAC and is not GA yet.  The current version of MAC OSX does support dual booting of Windows (as long as you buy new since it needs the Intel chipset).  With an Intel MAC you can run Windows two ways.  You can dual boot the machine so that only one OS is running at a time or you can use Parallels which allow Windows to run within the MAC OS (like another shell). 
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: DOUG on September 04, 2009, 10:47:45 AM
Wow Matt.  Did you just spit that out, or is a blog, or did you have that saved from a previous write up you did?  Strong info.

Mac for graphics people that do it 24/7.

PC for real people.   :P
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Matt on September 04, 2009, 11:10:27 AM
Just good info I found on the internet using my PC a while back.

Dont get me wrong I dont completely hate Mac, I just prefer PC, if you have a strong PC and know where to use it and how to use it you will almost never have a problem with them. Compatability is a huge win for the PC.

Like I said MAC is excellent for graphic work. But for every day puting or the common man I would only recommend a PC. This is one of those topics that should not be discussed like religion & politics.   ;D

Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: lt99ls1 on September 04, 2009, 12:48:34 PM
PC's are the norm for many, many reasons.

I would only take a MAC with  "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun" scratch that I don't like those MAC's either.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: wtheonew on September 04, 2009, 12:53:11 PM
PC's are the norm for many, many reasons.

I would only take a MAC with  "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun" scratch that I don't like those MAC's either.

haha awesome.  I would have said that but I try to be *somewhat* unbiased when recommending computers.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 04, 2009, 01:48:43 PM
G2= Gucci so with that X=mac G=Glen G2=Gucci so x*G=G2

Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 04, 2009, 01:55:19 PM
Glad to see you use the well earned vocational tech/ night school education! Don't post if you can't be helpful! Go to work!
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 04, 2009, 02:06:34 PM
its a 4day weekend jack-off... just buy an alienware laptop .. cant get any more Gucci then that...
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Matt on September 04, 2009, 02:09:11 PM
its a 4day weekend jack-off... just buy an alienware laptop .. cant get any more Gucci then that...

Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Daniel on September 04, 2009, 02:19:01 PM
I'm not sure about the Mac's, but I know iPhones and iPods come with awesome decals you can stick and show everyone how much money you spent.  That's what sold me on the iPhone... the little white bitten apple sticker just screams "baller".....  but how should I know, I don't have it on my truck.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: lt99ls1 on September 04, 2009, 02:43:50 PM
its a 4day weekend jack-off... just buy an alienware laptop .. cant get any more Gucci then that...


Pfft buy me one too. Alienware is a slice of gamer heaven sent down to earth. For once I agree with Mike D.  ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 04, 2009, 02:47:44 PM
hahahaha and fuk u too... ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 04, 2009, 02:53:59 PM
Oh it is a 4dayer this weekend? Again, I am down range, 4 day or not, and your home chasing peoples threads. Thats the joke here. Go do something. I have an excuse. You don't. Thanks for all the "fact based" input gents. And let me stop you on your next post...You could be right here with me douchebag! ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 04, 2009, 03:01:42 PM
damn is someone alittle pisssed about not having 4days off... yea I know smuck and when I get my run time down I will be there.. but right now 2 miles in under 15mins is my goal and I am at 17:30 right now.. god I hate being old
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ADAM on September 04, 2009, 03:08:29 PM
Macs dont crash click the link
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 04, 2009, 03:11:20 PM
how many times are you going to post that... hahahaha
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 04, 2009, 03:22:02 PM
Voice of Ron Burgandy...."you slow-ass SOB"!!LOL!!!hahahahah!! Hey walking is allowed but highly discouraged!! Have you heard that one before? LOL!!!
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 04, 2009, 03:23:28 PM
hey for someone that isnt "allowed" to run and I am doing it anyways.. bite me fukstick..
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jimmy on September 04, 2009, 04:51:03 PM
Glen, wait until Windows 7 comes out next month before you decide Mac v. PC. Windows 7 is sweet. My sister and I both have Toshiba Satellites. Mine has half the processor and a gig less ram and it runs twice as fast on 7 as hers does with Vista. It has a lot of cool, helpful little tricks and plenty of bling too. You can also make the taskbar act a lot like Mac's docking station (I've found it very useful).

Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 04, 2009, 04:55:10 PM
Will do Jimmy. I miss XP and Vista, to me, is garbage. But thats just me. If I push forward I will let you know.  {toast}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jimmy on September 04, 2009, 04:59:57 PM
Vista is garbage. 7 looks for the most part like Vista, but performs as well or better than XP with a few new gadgets thrown in.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Tompatt on September 07, 2009, 01:08:16 PM
i love pcs.. thats why i just built mine.. gaming one.. i got a new mouse and keyboard for xmas.. LED lights are the keys..

Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: wtheonew on September 07, 2009, 01:20:39 PM
i love pcs.. thats why i just built mine.. gaming one.. i got a new mouse and keyboard for xmas.. LED lights are the keys..


I looked at that case for a while when I was planning mine.

What specs?
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: drich394 on September 07, 2009, 02:40:35 PM
so not the REAL question, which is better for looking at   {hooters} &  :PV   ;D lol---- any!!!!
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Tompatt on September 07, 2009, 04:04:05 PM
i love pcs.. thats why i just built mine.. gaming one.. i got a new mouse and keyboard for xmas.. LED lights are the keys..


I looked at that case for a while when I was planning mine.

What specs?

not real good but it gets the job done.

AMD Athlon 62 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ 2.31GHz
Nvidia GeForce 6600
500 GB HDD
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jeepers on September 08, 2009, 05:22:48 PM
How lame, my first post on here in a while and it's in a computer thread.

I switched to Mac about 2 years ago and don't ever want to go back. Granted, I am tied to this windows machine here at work, but that's not up to me. The one thing that bugs me is the "you get more for your money with a PC." While I can't speak for those that build their own, when you really compare apples to apples (no pun intended) I think you'll find that the Mac isn't really that far out (I compared a Dell Laptop with specs matching the Macbook Pro). Yes, you can buy a bargain PC for <$500 but look at what you get. I have had my computer for 2 years and it is still cruising along nicely.

That's my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jimmy on September 08, 2009, 05:47:52 PM
 {ehm} I just spec'd out a Dell "Studio 15" to match the 15" MacBook Pro as closely as possible. The processor on the Dell is slightly faster (2.8 v 2.5 Ghz) and had to upgrade the Mac's HDD to match the Dells (320 GB), but other than that, they are nearly identical. The Dell is $1,139 and the Mac is $1,749. Even if I bought the Mac with the 5% student discount ($1,661.55) and sold the iPod Touch that students get for free with a computer ($1,461.55) The Mac is still another $300. Thats a pretty big difference, even if you are a student.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jeepers on September 11, 2009, 01:40:32 PM
Also remember to add in the camera, warranty, make sure you get the same screen and comparable software (if that is even possible direct from dell), similar weight, etc. Some features of the Mac are not even to my knowledge available on the dell (multitouch trac pad and trac pad size for example) I can't speak for your results, but when I did it last week, it was very close.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jimmy on September 11, 2009, 05:56:43 PM
It came with a camera, I added the warranty, the screen on the Dell was 720p and HiView, same software (didn't bother to add MS Office, it would skew the results to Dell even more). Don't need a multitouch pad if you can right click, lol.

My buddy just upgraded to Snow Leopard and it is sweet. Takes less disk space than Leopard, runs incredibly fast, and starts up fast. There is a problem with SL destroying peoples batteries though, including my friends. They shipped him a new one the next day though. Mac seems to have excellent customer service.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Richmon on September 12, 2009, 01:25:42 PM
Do not forget that you get free support from the Apple store which you can't get through Dell.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 20, 2009, 01:04:28 PM
Read more about Mac's today. I might just go ahead and do it. I will go to the Mac store in Atl first to do a sit down and walk through it. I still have 13 days here to decide.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 21, 2009, 04:11:04 PM
and when you buy that MAC dont forget about just how fuked your emails are going to look when they come from a PC.. or have they fixed that bug by now.. or when someone sends you a picture from hotmail and mac eats it.. maybe that bug has been fixed too.. or maybe when you cant watch a movie what noo that one has been fixed.. what about games... your kinda fuk there... but wait if you have time to play games then your have time to get your ass in the gym
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 21, 2009, 04:17:34 PM
That is a drunk post!! it has to be!? Its Monday! 1616 your time! LOL!! WTF!!? I want your job! And yes, Mac fixed all that way long ago. What do you know. The closest you have come to this technology is that crack=berry!! Stick to the humor threads!! ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 21, 2009, 04:22:27 PM
no this  is not a drunk post I wish it was.. but my ass is sitting here at work waiting for the bell to ring...

hey snotbubble i used to build my own systems.. and stop checking up on me and what if it was 1616 and I had a drink or 2.. in about 17 days your ass will be passed the fuk out by 1500..
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: mdo817 on September 21, 2009, 04:27:52 PM
Look who is counting the days down. {ehm} 8==D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 21, 2009, 04:30:48 PM
just cause that asclown keeps telling me... everyday I get an update on FB about it....


Mark sh  ittt i needed to call you about something... oh yeah how many wounded guys are going to be there for the ride this weekend??? I might be able to get some from here.. I need to talk to a few people.. i forgot there was a PH club here... I got a LT that when he was a smart E-7 got one and is part of that club...
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: mdo817 on September 21, 2009, 04:35:58 PM
I haven't heard, you can email the host guy from Fl. If this rain doesn't stop fast there won't be many GI's or Jeeps. You know what rain does to RR. From what I've heard they have been hammered. Not sure I want to go play in the mud, we will see though, I'm ready to ride.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on September 22, 2009, 02:49:30 PM
Hey if anything we can float down the river. Hahahaha I will be there late friday nite I have to drop off my puppy at the trainer and get my jeep ready I might be settin up the tent in the dark by the time o get there
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: mdo817 on September 22, 2009, 03:13:09 PM
Hey if anything we can float down the river. Hahahaha
Or the start of trail 7, maybe put a tire swing in the rat hole and swim.  ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on September 22, 2009, 03:35:17 PM
I still might pull the trigger on a Mac! {toast}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Richmon on September 22, 2009, 07:26:25 PM
Good choice.  You will not be sorry.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Brad on September 22, 2009, 10:30:46 PM
do it!

you won't regret it
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 04, 2009, 05:59:31 AM
Stand by for an update!!
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 05, 2009, 04:53:46 AM
Got it!!
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on October 05, 2009, 12:56:20 PM

So how do u like it so far
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: RotorHead on October 05, 2009, 01:33:44 PM
Cool. You were finally able to make them sell you one, huh?  ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Matt on October 05, 2009, 02:15:41 PM
Got it!!

Sorry to hear that.  {hihi}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jimmy on October 05, 2009, 02:32:47 PM
Got it!!

So when is the Prius getting ordered? :D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Richmon on October 05, 2009, 03:50:03 PM
Which one did you get?
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 05, 2009, 04:21:18 PM
I went ahead with the Mac book pro. I got snow leopard and microsoft for mac. 13 inch screen. Honestly, it does some cool stuff. I am going to have to tinker with it, but I really am impressed. Thanks Jimmy, but I know the prius will see more of the train than yours!!LOL!!! ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jimmy on October 05, 2009, 05:20:05 PM

Snow Leopard is pretty cool though!
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 05, 2009, 06:02:48 PM
Jimmy, no lie, this thing is cool. This will be the last laptop I buy. Oh, you would not believe all the tree hugging hippies in the Mac store and spoiled little kids! :o
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: DOUG on October 05, 2009, 08:47:00 PM
This will be the last laptop I buy.

No way!  That thing will be old technology and the hard drive will be busting full in 3, maybe 4 years.  It's all an evil plot.

What did you do with the old one?  My 9 year old wants it.   ;)
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 06, 2009, 07:57:21 AM
Doug, I am using it for a in house set-up. Its still brand new. I will probably sell it when I get the big house Mac! ;)
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: DOUG on October 06, 2009, 08:36:51 AM
Doug, I am using it for a in house set-up. Its still brand new. I will probably sell it when I get the big house Mac! ;)

Kewl, I'm just chasing every opp I can for those chilrens.  They love learning on the web.  lol.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 14, 2009, 01:13:58 PM
I am loving this thing!! {toast}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: mdo817 on October 14, 2009, 01:22:19 PM
I am loving this thing!! {toast}
Have you been busted yet? ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 14, 2009, 01:24:39 PM
hahaha!1 Nope, not yet. I will soon though. Its inevitable! ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 22, 2009, 07:51:13 AM
Just watched Windows 7 sales pitch on Today. They copied Snow Leopard! {ehm} I still love this MacBook Pro! {toast}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: wtheonew on October 22, 2009, 01:19:23 PM
Doug, I am using it for a in house set-up. Its still brand new. I will probably sell it when I get the big house Mac! ;)

Kewl, I'm just chasing every opp I can for those chilrens.  They love learning on the web.  lol.

Really now?  I have two laptops that are each about 3 years old that I'm not using. Unfortunately both have one little thing wrong with them but if I can figure it out I'll let you know.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Krawler00 on October 22, 2009, 01:22:44 PM
DIBS!!!!!!!!!!! BEEN WANTING A LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: DOUG on October 22, 2009, 02:27:57 PM
Doug, I am using it for a in house set-up. Its still brand new. I will probably sell it when I get the big house Mac! ;)
Kewl, I'm just chasing every opp I can for those chilrens.  They love learning on the web.  lol.
Really now?  I have two laptops that are each about 3 years old that I'm not using. Unfortunately both have one little thing wrong with them but if I can figure it out I'll let you know.

Thanks!  Give my IT guys a crack at it at my office. 

DIBS!!!!!!!!!!! BEEN WANTING A LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait your turn stinky!
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Krawler00 on October 23, 2009, 01:38:23 PM
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: wtheonew on October 23, 2009, 01:58:00 PM
Doug, I am using it for a in house set-up. Its still brand new. I will probably sell it when I get the big house Mac! ;)
Kewl, I'm just chasing every opp I can for those chilrens.  They love learning on the web.  lol.
Really now?  I have two laptops that are each about 3 years old that I'm not using. Unfortunately both have one little thing wrong with them but if I can figure it out I'll let you know.

Thanks!  Give my IT guys a crack at it at my office. 

DIBS!!!!!!!!!!! BEEN WANTING A LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait your turn stinky!

The problems aren't software related they're hardware.  They were both dropped at one point or another so one needs a new power connector soldered to the motherboard and the other's heat shield got bent on one of the drops so if you pick it up just right it blue-screens.  It's not going to be a super hard fix I just have to find the time... My old one is still a pretty good machine.

haha, this is my other hobby besides Jeeps.  Except in this one I can fix broken stuff.  The Jeep is a bit harder.   :D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 25, 2009, 09:42:43 AM
BUSTED!! Anyone want to buy a Mac?
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: mdo817 on October 25, 2009, 12:04:04 PM
BUSTED!! Anyone want to buy a Mac?

OOPS! {boohoo}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jimmy on October 25, 2009, 12:26:43 PM
BUSTED!! Anyone want to buy a Mac?

Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 25, 2009, 12:58:32 PM
Its all good now. Mark, it happened right after we spoke about it!! Karma? {toast}
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: urdaddyjeep on October 25, 2009, 02:38:22 PM
Brother u need to set up a po box and get a cc she can't see. Hahahaa jk. So will u take $100 bucks for it
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 25, 2009, 04:31:53 PM
I'm keeping it. Tax write off. ::)
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: mdo817 on October 25, 2009, 06:25:38 PM
Its all good now. Mark, it happened right after we spoke about it!! Karma? {toast}

Damn, sorry Dude, I guess she was going to figure it out sooner or later, at least now you can use it in front of her. ;D
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: DOUG on October 25, 2009, 07:01:42 PM
What is she buying to get even?
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on October 26, 2009, 07:11:00 AM
Nothing. Just a promise no more laptops for the next 3 years.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on November 01, 2009, 07:39:01 AM
This is a badass computer! Still trying to figure out little things here and there. Jimmy, a guy here partitioned his Mac hardrive. He has Snow leopard on one side and windows 7 on the other! Is this a good idea? Thanks for your input.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: Jimmy on November 01, 2009, 08:16:00 AM
I have a buddy doing the same thing with XP. Its really useful since some of the programs we use for school are only available in Windows.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: devinporterfield on November 03, 2009, 12:13:16 AM
i have had two dell laptops and they were crap.. they froze all the time and were really slow. i now have a mac and it runs much more smoothly and hasn't had a single problem, plus i love garageband since i play guitar and the touchpad is pretty awesome. i hate using anything besides my macbook now.
Title: Re: Thinking of buying a MAC
Post by: ghostdancer308 on November 03, 2009, 02:34:34 AM
I have no real complaints. I need to figure a few things out about it but its really a kick-ass computer.