Georgia Trail Riders Forum

MEMBERS DISCUSSION AREA => General Discussion => Topic started by: Krawler00 on March 22, 2012, 09:46:15 AM

Title: We are expecting.......
Post by: Krawler00 on March 22, 2012, 09:46:15 AM
Well guys, my wife and I have decided to adopt a little boy from Russia. My wife has been wanting to adopt for some time now and I have been against it from the get go. I have finally come to realize that the older I get the more I see how selfish I can be, and for me, my Christian walk suffers for it. The Lord has laid this in my lap and I cannot deny that. So we have been in process for a couple of months and will hopefully be all done in the summer! We are very excited to get him here and it will be an adventure while doing so. We will have to go to Russia twice and we have a ton of paperwork and such to do. It is all on their time though. They could care less about letting anyone adopt their children. All the while the kids are in terrible conditions and treated like animals. It is really something that shocked me. As I stated before, I have been selfish and it has cost me. So, this all being said, I am looking forward to this new chapter in my book. As time progresses and we have more info, I will share it. Right now I cannot post any pictures or info about him other than what I have stated already. It is an expensive and lengthy process and so we are chipping away at it a little at a time. I guess I need to find a 5 seater Jeep now for the entire family? ;D
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Lawton on March 22, 2012, 09:55:12 AM
Good deal you selfish jerk.  That's very cool. I got a couple of friends that have taken this journey. Let me know if you want to hook up with them to vent or ask questions. congrats man.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Krawler00 on March 22, 2012, 10:23:41 AM
Thanks Lawton. Russia is the hardest to deal with of all foreign adoptions... go figure ::)
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: tcdawg on March 22, 2012, 10:29:08 AM
Good for you Ben!

I have a friend that adopted from China, it was not easy either but they said it was worth it in the long run.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Krawler00 on March 22, 2012, 10:31:13 AM
Chris has adopted 3 from China as well. Funny how many people have gone with foreign adoption. I have been asked why not in the US? But to tell you the truth, kids here have it WAY better than other countries. You would be shocked to see how some of these kids are living. Makes me sick.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Matt on March 22, 2012, 10:42:00 AM
I heard American adoptions can be more expensive, if that is true, I have no idea. Congrats to you and Heather. We have tossed around the idea as well. If I can clear some more debt, I would love to take on another child.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Metro on March 22, 2012, 10:45:39 AM
Congrats Ben! 
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: lt99ls1 on March 22, 2012, 11:10:55 AM
Happy for you Ben.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Krawler00 on March 22, 2012, 11:38:16 AM
I can't see how US adoptions would be more expensive. This is not cheap!! I hate that somebody gets rich off this stuff. >:(
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Matt on March 22, 2012, 11:56:53 AM
I can't see how US adoptions would be more expensive. This is not cheap!! I hate that somebody gets rich off this stuff. >:(

You cant see how American corporations/government institutes could reach deeper in your pocket than a foreign country? Im doing some research now, but that is what I was told when people end up going to china. I know the travel can be an expensive addition to the adoption fees.

It is a shame that you have to pay so much to take a child out of the system and give them a home and care.

Just read this.
Agency and private adoptions can range from $5,000 to $40,000 or more depending on a variety of factors including services provided, travel expenses, birthmother expenses, requirements in the state, and other factors. International adoptions can range from $7,000 to $30,000.

Little Bit Of Heaven Adoption Agency 8-21-08

    AA Baby Girl $15,000 doesn’t include travel, legals, or finalization.
    AA/CC or CC situation, gender unknown $22,000

Hands to Hold 08/23/08

    Hisp, boy $37,650 doesn’t include travel or finalization
    AA, boy $22,500 doesn’t include travel or finalization
    AA, girl $23,650 doesn’t include travel or finalization
    AI, boy $43,650 doesn’t include travel or finalization

Heaven Sent Adoption

    AA, Girl $15,500.00 doesn’t include finalization
    AA, Boy $19,000.00

Heart to Heart Adoptions Inc. 08/23/08

    AA Boy $16,000 + Full Medical
    AA Gender Unknown $20,000

Professional Adoption Situations 08/23/08

    AA twin boys $30,000, does include legal fees and birth mother living assistance.
    AA, gender unknown $23,500 does include finalization

ADOPTION OPPORTUNITIES from Adoption Professionals 08/14/08

    CC Gender unknown $31,000,00 doesn’t include travel or finalization

Christian Homes And Special Kids 08/23/08

    Older special needs children to be rehomed ages vary.
    Disrupted international adoptions, occasionally.
    Probably $5,000 plus travel, children may qualify for SSI

Adoption Advertising

    AA, Girl $13,000.00-$17,000.00
    CC/Hisp, Gender Unknown $18,000.00-$23,000.00
    AA, Gender Unknown $11,000.00-$16,000.00
    AA, Gender Unknown $18,000.00-$23,000.00


    Special needs infants $2,000 or more depending on income, plus travel
    Some qualify for NY support subsidy

Adopt US kids

    Children of all ages and races in foster care across the United States
    Most of these adoptions are free.
    Adoptive families may need to pay for travel however, some states reimburse.
    See Nacac for details.
    Most qualify for a state support subsidy and Medicaid until they turn 18.

Adopt America Network

    Children of all ages and races in foster care across the United States
    Most of these adoptions are free.
    Adoptive families may need to pay for travel however, some states reimburse.
    See Nacac for details.
    Most qualify for a state support subsidy and Medicaid until they turn 18.

Stepparent adoption

    Hire your own attorney and pay fees directly to your attorney and the court.
    Usually less than $,5000.

Kinship Adoption

    Free if done through the foster care system, see Adopt US Kids for details
    Private: See steparent adoption

Beacon House Adoption 08/24/08

     Gender Unknown $18,000.00-$40,000.00
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Uncle Randy on March 22, 2012, 12:17:28 PM
Ben, God bless you and your wife. It is wonderful that you have found it in your heart to proceed with this. I have a friend here at work that adopted six (6) children from Russia some time ago. I am glad for you and feel for you and your financial burden. Best of luck in your adventure. Hope that it all works out great for you.-R
Title: Re: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: cru9 on March 22, 2012, 12:29:57 PM
Congrats Ben....time to join the 4 door wrangled Club.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: tjsahara00 on March 22, 2012, 01:21:57 PM
Congrats Ben.....God Bless

My wife and I just had our adoption final 2 weeks ago.
We saw a 16 year girl on Wednesday Child Sept 2010. We started the process the next day on contacting them. The State foster/adoption system moves very slow. You have to go through classes, back ground checks, numerous home inspections, delays due to changing case workers......It took 13 months from the day we saw her story until we finally meet her. Then it only took 3 months from when she moved in until the court granted adoption.
  There has been little to NO cost to us. It was just a very long process. All court fees and adoption fees are all taken care of by the state. My wife and I have been very blessed and felt like we could make a difference. We had no desire to be foster parents. That takes special people who can give kids back. We didn't care for younger children since we are older. We went into it with Kelsey in mind but quickly seen how many kids are out there locally. A lot of teenagers also who are the least likely to be adopted.

And Matt they still get asst. if they go to college.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Trailabite on March 22, 2012, 01:43:33 PM
I heard American adoptions can be more expensive, if that is true, I have no idea. Congrats to you and Heather. We have tossed around the idea as well. If I can clear some more debt, I would love to take on another child.

I have a guy that works for me and he and his wife were trying to adopt an American baby, they spent thousands of dollars and after 2 years of paper work was not able to adopt the kid, the mother came back before the process was done. And yes, they lost all of their money. Since they were able to adopt a 2 month old baby from Cuba, cheaper, less time and less paper work.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Matt on March 22, 2012, 01:44:05 PM
Congrats Ben.....God Bless

My wife and I just had our adoption final 2 weeks ago.
We saw a 16 year girl on Wednesday Child Sept 2010. We started the process the next day on contacting them. The State foster/adoption system moves very slow. You have to go through classes, back ground checks, numerous home inspections, delays due to changing case workers......It took 13 months from the day we saw her story until we finally meet her. Then it only took 3 months from when she moved in until the court granted adoption.
  There has been little to NO cost to us. It was just a very long process. All court fees and adoption fees are all taken care of by the state. My wife and I have been very blessed and felt like we could make a difference. We had no desire to be foster parents. That takes special people who can give kids back. We didn't care for younger children since we are older. We went into it with Kelsey in mind but quickly seen how many kids are out there locally. A lot of teenagers also who are the least likely to be adopted.

And Matt they still get asst. if they go to college.

Thats good to hear. How man kids did/do you have before the adoption?
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Trailabite on March 22, 2012, 01:45:35 PM
Congrats Ben.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: tjsahara00 on March 22, 2012, 01:55:08 PM
A 31 year old boy and a 24 year old girl.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Matt on March 22, 2012, 02:06:19 PM
A 31 year old boy and a 24 year old girl.

MAN! You are old   //OLDSKOOL//

Good thing you have 4 testicles.

Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Krawler00 on March 22, 2012, 02:22:13 PM
Matt, I was given a number of $25,000 and up for this adoption. It is a ridiculous amount of $ that unfortunately will not go to help any of the children left there. I do get a good tax break and will be getting a good bit back on my next tax return though! {cheers2}

I also wanted to say thanks to you guys. I really appreciate the thoughts and time for you to reply. My wife and I are very excited but it is just a hurry up and wait kind of deal >:(
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: DOUG on March 22, 2012, 04:02:22 PM
Congrats buddy.
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Matt on March 22, 2012, 04:09:02 PM
Matt, I was given a number of $25,000 and up for this adoption. It is a ridiculous amount of $ that unfortunately will not go to help any of the children left there. I do get a good tax break and will be getting a good bit back on my next tax return though! {cheers2}

I also wanted to say thanks to you guys. I really appreciate the thoughts and time for you to reply. My wife and I are very excited but it is just a hurry up and wait kind of deal >:(

We will talk more in the future. I would like to get more details and first hand knowledge from the experience you gain from this.   {cheers2}
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Danny Kinder on March 22, 2012, 04:11:49 PM
Contrats buddy  {cheers2}
Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: tjsahara00 on March 22, 2012, 04:12:33 PM
A 31 year old boy and a 24 year old girl.

MAN! You are old   //OLDSKOOL//

Good thing you have 4 testicles.

Naw it's only 2 but they droop so damn low now.......LOL

Title: Re: We are expecting.......
Post by: Matt on March 22, 2012, 04:35:25 PM
A 31 year old boy and a 24 year old girl.

MAN! You are old   //OLDSKOOL//

Good thing you have 4 testicles.

Naw it's only 2 but they droop so damn low now.......LOL
