Author Topic: What is wrong with this Country  (Read 456 times)


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What is wrong with this Country
« on: August 07, 2009, 02:48:08 PM »
Has the war become boring to those that dont understand.. Why is it that when something like this happens noone knows about it.. or is it that noone cares anymore... there are times I wish I was back in the sand box cause being here feels like I am in Wonderland cause noone gives a flying shit...

The fallback of U.S. troops to rural areas sparked celebrations in Iraq but no public thanks for sacrifices that made the streets safe for parades.

A self-congratulatory speech by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki did not mention U.S. troops. They don't need anything from him, but a simple nod to their sacrifice wouldn't have cost Maliki much.

Around the world, reports of the withdrawal blame the United States for failing to rebuild Iraq and causing civil strife. Nothing is said about how difficult it has been to give self-rule a fighting chance in Iraq.

Last week, Lt. Col. Timothy Karcher of Texas, commander of the forces in Baghdad's Sadr City, said, "We will be gone in whatever way the Iraqi government tells us to be gone."

The significance of such a humble statement from a top leader of the world's most powerful military appears lost on most Iraqis.

Shortly after he handed over a symbolic key to the city to his Iraqi counterparts, a roadside bomb blew off both of Karcher's legs.

His driver died in the blast. The sergeant who rushed Karcher to the hospital and saved his life was ambushed and killed on his way back to his unit. These events were largely unnoticed even in the United States, obsessed with the peaceful death of singer Michael Jackson.

Privately, Maliki did thank the U.S. commander, Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, for the sacrifice of the troops. Too bad he didn't feel confident enough to make the thanks public.

At least 3,455 troops have been killed in hostile action in Iraq. That's more than the entire student body of Eckerd College. More than 30,000 have been wounded.

The sacrifice wasn't made to control Iraq, and it wasn't done for oil, as the anti-American world widely believed. Iraq did make a few oil deals with foreign companies, but it is reserving much of its oil for state-owned firms.

President Barack Obama correctly says that "Iraq's future is in the hands of its own people."

We don't blame Iraqis for celebrating a milestone on the path toward some degree of self-defense. What is irritating is that so many Iraqis blame U.S. troops for their problems.

"All of us are happy - Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds on this day," one Iraqi celebrant told a reporter. "The Americans harmed and insulted us too much."

But it wasn't the Americans who blew up a market full of women and children the other day.

"The Americans' cowboy style was annoying," another Iraqi said.

Well, some of the Americans were cowboys and would have been happy to stay back on the ranch. Many serving in Iraq were in reserves or Guard units and had not bargained for so much wartime duty. They are police officers, teachers, engineers, truck drivers and doctors. They left their homes, jobs and families for many months at a time and did the best they could in extremely difficult conditions.

It takes courage and pluck to stand up to terrorists and survive the daily stress of not knowing when something is going to explode beneath you.

The violence decreased after Gen. David Petraeus surged troop numbers in a gamble to overwhelm the insurgents. It put added stress on troops and their families, but it worked. An earlier commander, Gen. John Abizaid, had warned that a surge could not be sustained and would cause Iraqi resentment. He too was right, and that resentment is apparent now.

Instead of cheering the troops' departure, Iraqis better hope they have enough cowboys in their own ranks to face down the terrorists one-on-one in dark alleys and lonely streets. If not, the celebration is premature.



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Re: What is wrong with this Country
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2009, 03:29:31 PM »
What did you expect? In 4 years, we will be fighting against our own sh*t that we gave and trained them on. And we just do it all over again. Stand by to stand by!! {salute}


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Re: What is wrong with this Country
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2009, 03:50:57 PM »
America has lost it's focus. It's not just the war. People have lost touch with what really matters and are just looking to be entertained. Sad, but it just doesn't feel like the same America I grew up in.  :'(


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Re: What is wrong with this Country
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2009, 03:57:43 PM »
it just seems now that if 1 guy dies no biggie but if 100 dies then its all over the news,, people have to understand that 1 guy dyin is just as bad as a 100.. and the Iraqis can burn in hell for all i care,, but our own country is turning their backs to us.. now thats just not right

Offline swamprat

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Re: What is wrong with this Country
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2009, 04:56:24 PM »
i still think the whole "helping the iraqi people was stupid... kill them all and let god sort them out

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Re: What is wrong with this Country
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2009, 06:31:44 PM »
I am only 33 but I have witnessed the downfall of this country happening more rapidly. We have shows that tell you what a celebrity sh-- last night and people care more about that then they do for the wellfare of this nation. With more spaniards crossing our borders and our wonderful savior president running this country to the ground it is only a matter of time before this place goes to hell in a hand basket. What happen to the feeling we had after 911 when people flew there flags and pledged to defend this nation? It's a me me me world that tells you to make yourself happy and you don't need anyone to help. I for one am not looking to the future especially for my kids sake.
I've grown tired of this.

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Re: What is wrong with this Country
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2009, 09:20:57 PM »
I think you can blame the media for most of what people know or don't know about the war. Some of us who actually have friends and or family over seas get to hear the truth. How many times do we hear on the news about how many children got medical help today, or got fresh water, or got new books at there new school. Unfortunately, history has shown statistically that it takes at least 2 generations for a change to take place. So maybe in another 10 years the young kids of Iraq will remember.
Chuck & Sherry



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Re: What is wrong with this Country
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2009, 09:56:00 PM »
i still think the whole "helping the iraqi people was stupid... kill them all and let god sort them out

I agree.  Drop a nuke and we can all move on and focus ON America.  This country is going to hell and fast! I am not an Obama fan at all and am shocked he is still in office as well.

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Re: What is wrong with this Country
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2009, 09:59:07 PM »
Some of you may get offended by this but I could care less truthfully.

Forget about what the little towelheads are doing. Seriously. That place has been in wars since the beginning of time. No one can stop it! It's only getting bigger. America doesn't need to get dragged down like them countries.

What America needs to worry about is America.
-Get rid of the illegals,
-Protect our borders,
-Protect our kids from drugs and child abuse,
-Get rid of all the lazy people who can work but rather get a government check and lay up in the house all day under the air condition while working people are sweating! They are only taking away the money that older folks need!
-Get rid of all the drug dealers. PERIOD.

If America could fight for it's Independence, so can other countries.
If America could build itself up like it did (but now it is falling), so can other countries!

I can go on with other things too but I don't think it should be posted here.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 10:01:44 PM by Confederate »