Author Topic: Obamacare  (Read 1820 times)

Offline Krawler00

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2013, 11:52:24 AM »
 //wav// Merica...
I've grown tired of this.

Offline kent10sne1

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2013, 12:27:01 PM »
this is what really gets me pissed.

To have barricaded the WW2 vets, but allow illegal aliens privilege..  This President is a true abomination!   saw this tweet. and i could not agree more.

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2013, 12:40:20 PM »
The barricades to a normally open air, non restricted monument is what gets me... spending money to close something is a load of BS but the current admin is great at spending our tax dollars

Offline Krawler00

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2013, 12:44:48 PM »
... Don't get me started on that piece of shiz... who the hell says you can't go to a memorial, walk outdoors??!! F the administration and all who believe obuttcrap was the right choice!
I've grown tired of this.

Offline tjsahara00

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2013, 01:13:40 PM »
Kevin Pool
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Offline Oscar_Mike 2013

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« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2013, 01:43:19 PM »
Guys guys guys, you can't blame it on Obama alone. All of congress is at fault here. All of your representatives that claim they are there for their constituents. Each Senator that each state is represented by. Each House rep that is voted into office. And ultimately each and everyone one of the Non-Working shats that believe they are entitled to other people's money because they are too effing lazy to get a job and work their way up. But ultimately, it's our fault too, because we have sat around and waited too long to stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Obama had a good plan in mind when he was campaigning. WE NEED CHANGE. what we need to do is stop allowing the minority to dictate what the law will be for the masses, and I don't mean racial minority, I mean the few that are bitching about not getting their way. We need to figure out that not everyone will be happy. So if you are the minority, and you are not happy, then you change your ways. If you don't like something, then go do something else. Instead, what we have allowed is for the minority group to band together and say something is unconstitutional, and then the judicial system changes it, and now the majority has to suffer because of the change.

I can go on and on about this. But if you really want this to end, we, the people who work their asses off to earn a good living, need to band together and stop it. Take some accountability, cause you know Congress won't.
So new to this that I don't even know what to ask!!!!
Richard Russell

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2013, 02:00:38 PM »
The other big hit is, if you have a spouse that works for a different company and they offer an insurance plan, then that spouse cannot be on our company's plan and will be dropped.
Been that way for every place I have worked for the past 15 years.

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Offline Krawler00

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2013, 02:16:02 PM »
Guys guys guys, you can't blame it on Obama alone. All of congress is at fault here. All of your representatives that claim they are there for their constituents. Each Senator that each state is represented by. Each House rep that is voted into office. And ultimately each and everyone one of the Non-Working shats that believe they are entitled to other people's money because they are too effing lazy to get a job and work their way up. But ultimately, it's our fault too, because we have sat around and waited too long to stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Obama had a good plan in mind when he was campaigning. WE NEED CHANGE. what we need to do is stop allowing the minority to dictate what the law will be for the masses, and I don't mean racial minority, I mean the few that are bitching about not getting their way. We need to figure out that not everyone will be happy. So if you are the minority, and you are not happy, then you change your ways. If you don't like something, then go do something else. Instead, what we have allowed is for the minority group to band together and say something is unconstitutional, and then the judicial system changes it, and now the majority has to suffer because of the change.

I can go on and on about this. But if you really want this to end, we, the people who work their asses off to earn a good living, need to band together and stop it. Take some accountability, cause you know Congress won't.

I agreed up until "Obama had a good plan in mind when he was campaigning. WE NEED CHANGE." Neither the dems or reps are worth a shiz anymore and the change he spoke of was not intended to help the U.S. citizens. Ok, I got to quit now.  //OLDSKOOL//
I've grown tired of this.

Offline bear991

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2013, 02:49:56 PM »
I say again if term limits were put in place we wouldn't have a lot of the problems we have. The re election process has a trickle down effect that influences everything. It shouldn't cost millions of dollars to run for and be elected to office. Take the re election component out of a political office and you change the mind set of people who are in office. All this time they stand in front of tv cameras trying to blame the other party should be spent with their ass's in a room coming to an agreement. They damn sure haven't spent this much time trying to rebuild the industries that once supported this country. If they will get people back to work at a decent paying job and hold the insurance industry accountable for their part in this B.S. we wouldn't be having this conversation. To many of them are getting rich from the inside info they have access to. If you and I were to have the same access and acted upon it it would be called insider trading and we would be doing time at the Federal Pen. It's very easy for one group of people to make rules and regs for another group if they don't have to live by the same rules and regs. //rtft//
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Offline Oscar_Mike 2013

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2013, 03:00:21 PM »
Guys guys guys, you can't blame it on Obama alone. All of congress is at fault here. All of your representatives that claim they are there for their constituents. Each Senator that each state is represented by. Each House rep that is voted into office. And ultimately each and everyone one of the Non-Working shats that believe they are entitled to other people's money because they are too effing lazy to get a job and work their way up. But ultimately, it's our fault too, because we have sat around and waited too long to stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Obama had a good plan in mind when he was campaigning. WE NEED CHANGE. what we need to do is stop allowing the minority to dictate what the law will be for the masses, and I don't mean racial minority, I mean the few that are bitching about not getting their way. We need to figure out that not everyone will be happy. So if you are the minority, and you are not happy, then you change your ways. If you don't like something, then go do something else. Instead, what we have allowed is for the minority group to band together and say something is unconstitutional, and then the judicial system changes it, and now the majority has to suffer because of the change.

I can go on and on about this. But if you really want this to end, we, the people who work their asses off to earn a good living, need to band together and stop it. Take some accountability, cause you know Congress won't.

I agreed up until "Obama had a good plan in mind when he was campaigning. WE NEED CHANGE." Neither the dems or reps are worth a shiz anymore and the change he spoke of was not intended to help the U.S. citizens. Ok, I got to quit now.  //OLDSKOOL//
Now, that's not what I said. I stated that Obama had a good plan on his campaign. That we need change. I never said that his plan would work for the US. Just that we need change.
So new to this that I don't even know what to ask!!!!
Richard Russell

Offline Krawler00

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Re: Obamacare
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2013, 03:28:04 PM »
not implying that. Just being sarcastic.
I've grown tired of this.

Offline DOUG

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Re: Re: Obamacare
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2013, 06:34:27 PM »
Obana had a good plan? We needed change?

Do you mean the campaign lies about its unpatriotic not to balance the budget, he would have an open transparent administration and so on?  All lies to fool the uninformed and get elected.  The voting base is so ignorant to government and fiscal responsibility it is sad, and a testament to our government schools and the education they provide. 

BS to we needed change.  This country was fine and we could have insured all of the uninsured for a very small fraction of this ridiculous bill.

What about self responsibility?

Don't blame obama?  You are partly right.  It was the democrat house and Senate at the time.too.  They screwed us bad.

Flame off lol

Sent off camber now Free