OTHER INTERESTS > Getting in shape

Getting in shape 2017 / 2018

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Blue J:
My wife is a vegetarian and is always trying to help me lose weight. She says its not the carbs, as much. It's the portions. I have a portion control problem. Which is illustrated with Girl Scout cookies. I can't eat one or two. I eat sleeves. I don't buy Girl Scout cookies anymore. I just give them a donation and tell them to send the cookies to our troops.

I am also trying to lose some weight and its coming off, just not quickly.

I have been walking 2x a day. I took a yoga class this past Monday evening. And it kicked my butt. I slept like a baby the next 2 nights. I felt like I had crawled around under the jeep, with a lot more relaxation. I'm going to continue it.

Keep it up Kevin...its a process.

 Nice work Kevin!!

After my surgeries last year I became very inactive and ate and drank my ass off. One of my last check ups I was 246 lbs and have had enough. Had a nutrition plan designed for me, started back up my cardio post weight training, and cut back on vodka. Down to 230 in 3 weeks. Hoping to get down to 215 for my honeymoon in June.

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Blue J:
Way to go!

I want to go to 165. Like Kevin, it's a way of life or else you are back where you were. My knee is finally allowing me to run. My issue is portion as well as eating real late.

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Did you know that in Weight Watchers they tell you
the average weight loss is 1/2lb to 2lbs a week......

People don't like hearing that .... but to do it the "right"
way by changing habits. It takes your brain and body
20 minutes to realize thats it's full. Thats why so many
times you eat then in a little bit your like....damn I can't
move or you actually loosen your belt.

Yep for every lb your over weight adds like 7lbs pressure
on your joints if I remember right.


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