Author Topic: Queue up the gun debate  (Read 11145 times)

Offline Chris36l

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2018, 11:51:09 PM »

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Online clark123456

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2018, 06:44:20 AM »

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Chris, do you have any concern with the rate of non-self-inflicted, and non-police-originated, bullets entering human bodies on American soil? (I.e., forgoing cops shooting folks, and suicide, do you care if other folks shoot each other?)

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1998 TJ Sahara

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2018, 07:14:24 AM »

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Chris, do you have any concern with the rate of non-self-inflicted, and non-police-originated, bullets entering human bodies on American soil? (I.e., forgoing cops shooting folks, and suicide, do you care if other folks shoot each other?)

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Clark see if you can open up that liberal mind long enough to make sense of this. A law banning guns will only take guns out of the hands of people who obey the law. Typically people who shoot up schools do not obey they law.

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Online clark123456

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2018, 07:24:26 AM »

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Chris, do you have any concern with the rate of non-self-inflicted, and non-police-originated, bullets entering human bodies on American soil? (I.e., forgoing cops shooting folks, and suicide, do you care if other folks shoot each other?)

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Clark see if you can open up that liberal mind long enough to make sense of this. A law banning guns will only take guns out of the hands of people who obey the law. Typically people who shoot up schools do not obey they law.

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I get the concept, so in not pushing for a gun ban.  I'm truly trying to find out if Chris, and others like him, care if schools, churches, etc get shot up.  I care, to a very limited extent, but I might be an outlier.  Judging by the current state of things, well, for the last 20 years, I'm not an outlier since nothing has been done to change things and this isn't a recent phenomenon.

I did not know what liberalism or conservatism has to do with this discussing,  but feel free to make me less ignorant.

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1998 TJ Sahara

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2018, 07:34:54 AM »

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Chris, do you have any concern with the rate of non-self-inflicted, and non-police-originated, bullets entering human bodies on American soil? (I.e., forgoing cops shooting folks, and suicide, do you care if other folks shoot each other?)

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Clark see if you can open up that liberal mind long enough to make sense of this. A law banning guns will only take guns out of the hands of people who obey the law. Typically people who shoot up schools do not obey they law.

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I get the concept, so in not pushing for a gun ban.  I'm truly trying to find out if Chris, and others like him, care if schools, churches, etc get shot up.  I care, to a very limited extent, but I might be an outlier.  Judging by the current state of things, well, for the last 20 years, I'm not an outlier since nothing has been done to change things and this isn't a recent phenomenon.

I did not know what liberalism or conservatism has to do with this discussing,  but feel free to make me less ignorant.

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With you it’s always about liberalism vs conservatism. I would be willing to bet that a higher percentage of conservatives care if stuff like this happens compared to liberals. With liberals it’s always about using a tragedy to push an agenda and in turn giving the govt more control to keep people down.

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Online clark123456

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2018, 07:47:39 AM »

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Chris, do you have any concern with the rate of non-self-inflicted, and non-police-originated, bullets entering human bodies on American soil? (I.e., forgoing cops shooting folks, and suicide, do you care if other folks shoot each other?)

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Clark see if you can open up that liberal mind long enough to make sense of this. A law banning guns will only take guns out of the hands of people who obey the law. Typically people who shoot up schools do not obey they law.

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I get the concept, so in not pushing for a gun ban.  I'm truly trying to find out if Chris, and others like him, care if schools, churches, etc get shot up.  I care, to a very limited extent, but I might be an outlier.  Judging by the current state of things, well, for the last 20 years, I'm not an outlier since nothing has been done to change things and this isn't a recent phenomenon.

I did not know what liberalism or conservatism has to do with this discussing,  but feel free to make me less ignorant.

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With you it’s always about liberalism vs conservatism. I would be willing to bet that a higher percentage of conservatives care if stuff like this happens compared to liberals. With liberals it’s always about using a tragedy to push an agenda and in turn giving the govt more control to keep people down.

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That argument is very wise, since these "tragedies" happen so often there is never a good time to have a discussion about how to prevent, or reduce (in terms of impact, or frequency) them.

I am encouraged to know that you believe they are tragedies, and not just a regularly unscheduled acceptable event.

I tried to start a thread to track these tragedies, but the overseers thought it wasn't the right time, so alas we kill the debate by wiping out threads, point fingers, and waiting for a long pause between the tragedies.  Oh well...on to debating Russians, and amnesty....things that matter more than tragedies.

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1998 TJ Sahara

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2018, 07:51:33 AM »
What should be done, Clark?  Serious question based on options available to us.

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2004 TJ Unlimited (LJ)

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2018, 08:02:49 AM »
What should be done, Clark?  Serious question based on options available to us.

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I wanna hear this as well

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Offline Chris36l

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2018, 08:49:34 AM »

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Chris, do you have any concern with the rate of non-self-inflicted, and non-police-originated, bullets entering human bodies on American soil? (I.e., forgoing cops shooting folks, and suicide, do you care if other folks shoot each other?)

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As far as "innocents" being shot. I.E. children, innocent bistandards, law abiding citizens being caught up in the commission of a crime. I care a lot.

As far as criminals shooting criminals, I could really care less(maybe they'll help clean up the gene pool and take each other out before procreating) I don't think that any "gun control" law will fix the issue. I feel like the acceptance of mass violence in our country/society has slowly crept in over the last 40 or so years along side the crumbling of our families, morals, and values. Strengthen the family and we will begin to make a dent in this issue. The majority of the people that commit these "mass murder/casualty" events have been marginalized by the communities they live in. 40 years ago, they would have been committed to a mental health facility. Now we can't do that, maybe that's one change that can happen? I don't know, I'm just kind of rambling now. To answer your question, yes I care. I care more if children and innocents are involved. I would like to think of a way to stop it completely, but I don't think that's a realistic expectation. I know that regardless bad people with bad intention can and will find their weapon of choice. I think our best line of defense as "good people" is to arm ourselves and our communities and become the deterrent for criminals that the prison system no longer seems to be.......

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Offline Big Dave

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2018, 08:53:13 AM »
There is no fix short of a total gun confiscation.
Agaian, criminals commit crimes & don't care where the gun comes from. They will buy it on the street or steal it from your car/home. 
We can fortify schools but then we just push the problem somewhere else. School bus stops, buses leaving the school, grocery stores, retirement centers....etc.
They are called soft targets for a reason.

I think Clarke is trying to get us to think hard about this & come up with a solution.......

& troll

Offline Chris36l

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2018, 08:53:57 AM »
Stolen from my friends Facebook page. Just thought he articulated his thoughts very well.

"Gun control-definitely an issue
Mental health-definitely an issue but why is no one stating the obvious?  This country no longer seems to have a standard of ethics or good morals.  Our children need parenting and not by just the parents.  It used to be acceptable for teachers and other adults involved in the children's lives to influence them. It really does take a village.  It's disheartening that religion is frowned upon.  Whether God is real or not, he or she could do so much for this country."

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Online clark123456

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Re: Queue up the gun debate
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2018, 09:24:51 AM »
What should be done, Clark?  Serious question based on options available to us.

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I wanna hear this as well

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I really don't know the answer, but what we've been doing obviously isn't fixing the issue.  To believe nothing should be done, and that we can't discuss options ANYTIME, including immediately after an event, is idiotic. 

Other countries with strict gun control do not have this issue anywhere close to the frequency of the U.S., even when looked at adjustments per capita.  They may have mass knifing events, but the death rates on those are much less than with mass shooting events..

There is no doubt that anyone who does mass killings is mentally disturbed.  The US can do anything we want, if there is a will to do so, including gun registrations and associated mental checks, and monitoring of mental health for gun users (and non gun users).

I believe the solution is multifaceted, and to completely take any option off the table makes zero sense to me.  I also believe the solution will not be immediate, so monitoring and adjustments will be needed for any solution implemented.

The big problem right now:  not enough people are willing to think about the solution with an open mind.

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1998 TJ Sahara