Author Topic: Getting in shape 2008 / 2009 / 2010  (Read 51609 times)


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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #108 on: December 02, 2008, 05:56:53 AM »
Good to go! If you do anything for yourself, do cardio. You can do push-ups and sit-ups anytime. Here is a pre-workout stack for you as well. It works for me. Take all this 30 mins prior to working out:

BSN NoExplode-1 scoop
CE2 High Definition by MRI
 Try this when you get a chance. Let me know. I have been doing this for 2+ years, its worked for me.


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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #109 on: December 02, 2008, 07:50:29 AM »
I figure with the Holidays it is a poor time to attempt to lose weight since I LOVE the treats this time of year. My current goal is to maintain the weight not increase it. I weigh 269 per the Wii fit lastnight and I plan to keep it at 269 or below until new years and then it is time to lose it.


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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #110 on: December 02, 2008, 08:02:20 AM »
Damn, what are you doing up so early? Anyways, just push through the holidays, because I am the same way. I eat enough for 4 dudes when I get a chance. Most diets and New Year resolutions fall apart around the 24th or 27th of Jan. By this time, people just loose steam and say to hell with it. DON'T!! Gutt it out and set easier, attainable goals. Maybe put some cash back for that cruise or a shirtless trip to Moab this summer, whatever. Just stay motivated. Just did a 4 miler with some recon guys. They were telling stories and bullsh*ting the entire run. Pisses me off, but I stayed with them. Change things up so you don't get stale! Oh, I found that getting up before everyone else and just jogging jump starts your day as well. In the summer here the sun is up before 5am, weird, if nothing is going on, go hit an easy 2-4 miler. Long slow distance. Hope this helps.  {toast}

Offline Trailabite

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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #111 on: December 02, 2008, 10:38:53 AM »
Ok, I'm tired. My flight was delayed last night and I didn't get to my motel until 12:35. But, I still got up at 5:45 this morning as I planned. I was surprised, I was able to actually jog half mile on the treadmill. I also did a few weight machines, nothing serious, very light weight. I'm thinking I will try to do a little bit on the treadmill each morning, since I'm really doing very little on it anyway.

Glen, the items you mentioned, NoExplode, CE2 and NO2, will these help with actual weight loss or more of a muscle builder?
Chuck & Sherry


Offline lt99ls1

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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #112 on: December 02, 2008, 10:53:48 AM »
I weight 272 on saturday, I was down to 263 two months ago before I got hurt.
Started tracking food/calories intake on saturday. I was very suprised to find out how many calories I was taking in at lunch.
Adjusted my calories intake to down to 1870 aday starting on 11/30/08 and with no exercise I should lose 2 lbs a week.
In addition to the calories cutting I am walking 3-4 miles @ 4.5mph, 4 days aweek on a treadmill.Should give me a bonus weight lost with the calorie cutting.
Doing situps and leglifts everyday. Starting back on weight training/body shaping today and will be doing that 4 days aweek too.

1st gold for me is 262 lbs by Jan 1st or before.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 10:56:50 AM by lt99ls1 »

05 LJ
20 BabyMax


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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #113 on: December 02, 2008, 10:58:18 AM »
Chuck- this is pre-workout stack. It will help you with recovery between sets and blood flow. So, you knock out the steel first and you still have enough gas to do 20min cardio at the end. With the Noexplode, don't take it late in the day. It will keep you awake and 1 scoop only or you will be shi**ing your brains out!LOL!! The CE2 High Def combines a thermogenic(fatburner) but its not as strong as Hydroxycut or Lipo6. The NO2 is a creatine ester. It gives you all the benefits of creatine without the bloat and water retention. You should only take this stuff on days you lift! As for fatburners in general, you don't need them. Besides, after 2 weeks they quit working anyways and my personal feeling they make you hungry for carbs. Just up your water and stay hydrated and full. This pre-workout stack will put muscle on you which you want because more you have, the more calories you will burn. This will not make you gain any bodyfat either. Let me know!


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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #114 on: December 02, 2008, 11:40:43 AM »
By this time, people just loose steam and say to hell with it. DON'T!! Gutt it out and set easier, attainable goals. Maybe put some cash back for that cruise or a shirtless trip to Moab this summer, whatever. Just stay motivated.

This is the best advice. I have 3 motivation factors going on:
1. I want to do more mountain biking/hiking but the heavier you are, the harder it is.
2. It already is hard to find tall clothes... harder to find tall/fat clothes.
3. Beach vacation with Megan's family beginning of August. Last time I was the "fat guy". I don't plan to be Mr. Body Builder this time around but a little more in shape.


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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #115 on: December 03, 2008, 03:03:28 AM »
This might not be a TV show anymore there in the US, but like I told you guys, we get shows late over here. This reality show called "Ruby"? Or the Biggest loser? We get all the re-runs on these and a few select other shows. But man, its depressing but it motivates me whenever I stop to check it out. I have noticed a trend though in all of them. They live in the past or they let depression crush their will to get better. It takes a doc to let them know, "hey, your gonna fu**ing die if you don't change". I did the Cobb Galleria Marathon one year. It was a 10k but nothing but hills! I came up on this guy in a wheel chair pushing his ass off to make it up the hill. He was telling people to stay clear of him and didn't want any help! I was just hitting a BONK at that time in the run. Sh*T, if that didn't push me to keep going, I don't know what would. There is always someone in worse shape, but don't end up that person. I know when I am grinding through a run thats what crosses my mind. It could always be worse!


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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #116 on: December 03, 2008, 03:03:49 AM »
i think your goals need to be more like

1. Need to be a lean mean &*&( machine
2. more in shape you are the longer you last in bed
3. if you cant lift her and spin her like a top  A. you need to go to the gym  B. she needs to go to the gym..C you both need to go to the gym
4. If the heavest thing you lift is a cake then you cant stop Joe from stealing you woman
5. Joe just needs a good ass whoppin if you cant do it then your screwed


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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #117 on: December 03, 2008, 03:13:49 AM »
Well, if that don't motivate you I don;t know what will. hahaha


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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #118 on: December 03, 2008, 03:23:10 AM »

Offline Trailabite

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Re: Getting in shape
« Reply #119 on: December 03, 2008, 09:11:21 AM »
MikeD, you nuts! Right, but nuts.

I hit the treadmill this morning and walked 1 full mile at 3mph. Nothing serious but a start. My chest and arms are a little sore from the light lifting I did yesterday, but it feels goooooooooooddddddddddd!

Chuck & Sherry